Got Soap? Nope. Just Germs | Teen Ink

Got Soap? Nope. Just Germs

January 25, 2012
By Anonymous

Over the past two weeks, two other friends and I have noticed a lack of soap in the boy’s bathroom next to the cafeteria. Soap went missing last month, and it still hasn’t returned.

I don’t want to offend the janitors, but this brings up a question: are they really cleaning the bathrooms? And if they are, why aren’t they checking the soap dispenser?

Every day I go in the bathroom, hoping to find a refilled container, but each day I’m disappointed. And it’s really not fun going to a different bathroom after I use the restroom. And think about the repercussions of washing hands without soap.

I use the bathroom, unlock the stall door, shut the stall door, open the bathroom door and then proceed to the next restroom to wash my hands. There, I again continue to spread germs as I contaminate another door.

Imagine what would happen if students were too lazy to head to another bathroom to wash with soap? Students would be leaving germs all over the school, creating more sickness and nasty germs around the school. And let’s be honest: students are too lazy to change for gym, to read a few chapters in English classes and to pick up their lunches. Do you really think students would head to another bathroom to find soap?

The kid who borrowed your pencil, who used the keyboard before you in the library, or the teacher who just handed you a dry erase marker, might not have washed their hands with soap.

Think about all doors you touch every day, the high fives you get in the hallway, and when you touch the smart board, and desk tops. Yes, you are picking up the germs from lazy boys who didn’t wash their hands with soap.

Beyond the unsanitary nature of washing without soap (or not washing at all), there is another concern: the cleanliness of the bathrooms. If bathrooms are being checked and cleaned, why aren’t the canisters refilled? The answer: They’re not being cleaned, so obviously the bathrooms are dirty, which makes our hands even dirtier.

If janitors are going to refill the canisters, foam is the best. According to the CDC, foaming hand soaps are effective at cleaning hands and do kill many germs, which can prevent people from becoming ill. The foaming action provides better coverage to the entire surface of the hands quickly and more easily than other types of hand cleaners. They also require less water to use.

The CDC says using soap is very effective at preventing the spread of germs.

Arrowhead should be constantly checking bathrooms and cleaning them to provide students with a clean bathroom where germs don’t have to start. Oh, and they should provide soap too.

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