Hands on Hard Work | Teen Ink

Hands on Hard Work

November 3, 2013
By Will Johnson BRONZE, Crested Butte, Colorado
Will Johnson BRONZE, Crested Butte, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When kids graduate from high school, they either go to college, or in some cases not go to college. The kids who don’t want to go to college will most likely end up working as a metal worker, or an auto mechanic or other “hands on” jobs. For kids who don’t want to go to college, they could learn the skills needed to do a job that interests them. I think high schools should offer more vocational classes to students.

Vocational courses can help kids explore many different career opportunities. For example, if a kid wanted to try to be an auto mechanic, he could try it to see if it was the right area of work for him. Many schools offer basic vocational classes such as woodshop, but few go in depth about the subject being taught. If more schools taught these classes in depth, it would be easier for kids without a college diploma to find a job. These classes can help kids decide if this is the right area for them. (Helaine). Vocational classes are a great way for kids who don’t want to go to college to find a career that interests them.

Vocational classes help kids gain certain skills to do a specific job. Kids could learn how to shape wood or weld or how to maintain a car engine. Even kids who do want to go to college benefit from vocational education. In some cases colleges can do a dual credit for vocational education. (Helaine). Kids will learn important life skills like how to communicate with potential clients. Children will also increase their problem solving skills when faced with real world problems.

88 percent of high schools are already offering at least 1 vocational class. Don’t you think that should be more? 18,000 schools offer in depth classes. CBCS needs more of these types of classes. It can only benefit the school’s students. In conclusion, vocational education needs to be offered a more schools in the US.

Pros and cons of vocational schools. WiseGeek.com. n.d. 23 oct 2013. Web <http//:www.wisegeek.com./what-are-the-pros-and-cons-of-vocational-education.html
Andrea Helaine. Vocational education. Ehow.com n.d. Demand Media.22 oct 2013. Web. http//www.ehow.com/about_5387981_High-provide-students-job-shills.html

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my fone said...
on Nov. 5 2013 at 9:11 am
i thought this was awsome