Put an End to Bullying | Teen Ink

Put an End to Bullying

January 8, 2016
By Bsimms22 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Bsimms22 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people get bullied everyday. Will you put an end to bullying?  Bullying can cause a lot of problems such as cutting, high anxiety,depression and low confidence. If you get caught bullying you can get in big trouble. I think bullying is wrong and we should put an end to it because it can cause self harm, low self esteem and health problems it said in (aspa)and(“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being”).

Bullying can cause a low self esteem to the person being bullied (aspa). Bullying is wrong and when you bully you are putting people down and you need to pick them up. Bullying can cause suicide it said in(aspa). People who bully should know that they are putting people's lives in danger.

Did you know a warning sign of a child being bullied is that they have unexplainable injuries (aspa) . A sign of a child being bullied is a low self esteem (aspa).  A low self esteem is being sad all the time and not believing in yourself. Another sign of a child being bullied is having a all of a sudden loss of friends(aspa). When you are bullied your friends might not want to get bullied to so they try to stay away from it or they are not good friends. Other signs of a child being bullied is lost of sleep or lots of nightmares (aspa). When you are bullied you have to deal with negative thoughts in your head so they might carry on throw your day.

Bullying can cause health issues it said in (“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being”). A health issue of bullying is depression(“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being”). when you are sad and depressed all the time it is not good for your heart. Bullying can cause frequent headaches (“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being”). when you are being bullied you have to deal with negative thoughts and you should not have to deal with that every day. (“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being”)   

Be a friend and take a stand. When someone is getting bullied be a friend and stick up for them and treat them like your friend. If you make them your friend it will make them feel like they have someone to turn to and talk to. Another way you can help them is when you see them getting bullied tell the bully to stop and stick up for the person being bullied if you stand up to the bully he might back down and get scared and stop. Another way you can stop the bully is to tell a teacher or tell a grown person. If you tell a teacher you might strike fear into him and he might stop.  I think bullying is wrong I believe we can put an end to it.

People who disagree and think bullying is not wrong might say bullying is not that bad you are not causing harm to them. But you are hurting they mentality it said in (“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being”; aspa). If the person being bullied harm themselves it not the bullies fault. It is you were putting those thoughts in their head. If the person being bullied commits suicide it's not the bullies fault. It is because you are making them depressed. Put an end to bullying because it can cause self harm,low self esteem and health problems in (aspa) and (“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being”)


Works Cited
aspa. “What Is Bullying.” (2012): n. pag. Web. 6 Jan. 2016.
“How Does Bullying Affect Health and Well-Being.” NIH. N.p., 28 Jan. 2014. Web. 7 Jan. 2016.

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