Why Costly Health Care Is Bad | Teen Ink

Why Costly Health Care Is Bad

October 24, 2018
By briggsrose BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
briggsrose BRONZE, Durham, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Health Care has increased dramatically over the past few years. Families are struggling to pay for Health Care while paying their other bills at the same time. Some families can’t even afford Health Care when they really need it. One major problem that’s still occurring today, is poverty. Many families are in debt due to not having enough money to pay for unexpected medical bills. This can cause many problems depending on what type of person you are.

Health Care needs to be affordable for anyone that needs it. All Health Care is costly, and prices are continuing to increase each day. America needs a system to where Health Care can become more affordable, but still beneficial. A lot of families are already in debt and this debt can continue to grow depending on what is medically wrong. This just puts a bigger problem on that person and their family when they’re going through rough times. I feel like this is wrong because families shouldn’t be stressed over how they’re going to pay back the bills with money that they don’t have. Families should be spending time with their loved ones while they are going through hards times and they all need each other to help get through them.

I think that we should address this problem by trying to reduce the amount of procedures we take to be able to tell what is wrong with us. For example, if someone went to the doctor and their stomach was hurting, the doctor should ask the symptoms and then address the problem from there. Once the doctor knows the symptom, they should try a medication first and then if their stomach still hurts, do different procedures after that. The doctor shouldn’t just skip straight to an x-ray to see if they can find anything wrong in that person’s stomach. I feel like visits to the doctor’s office need to be cheaper than they are now. This would save families a good amount of money in the long run.

However, I do like that insurance will cover some cost of Health Care and I feel like that helps out dramatically depending on the situation. Each person should pay for insurance which is basically like putting money down to cover you when you are in need. For example, if you got in a bad accident, it would be costly. Your insurance would cover a large amount, if not all, depending on how bad the accident was and whose fault it was. I like the fact that insurance will cover some needs depending on how serious the medical issue is because we pay for insurance upfront and allow ourselves to think that we will need to use it at some point in our life.

Health Care prices need to be more affordable and need to have easier access for families in need. I think families need to understand that medical procedures and/or medicine won’t be free, but the prices could be more affordable for them during this time. I don’t like the fact that medical expenses are so large that families are wondering how they’re ever going to pay it off because I feel like they should be spending time with their loved ones and not stressing and worrying about paying bills.

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