Heroes of Voice | Teen Ink

Heroes of Voice

November 24, 2018
By Anonymous

I have a great amount of respect for journalists. They are in pursuit of the truth, no matter how painful that truth may be. They realize that ignorance will not change the world. I used to be afraid of facing reality because it was painful, so I stopped watching the news and prayed that the world would get better. Now, I am a few years older and more mature, so I realize that closing my eyes does not mean things will magically get better. If I genuinely want change, then I will need to face the truth, no matter how painful.

Journalists are a type of heroes: they connect the people to the authority and vice versa. Journalists give a voice to those people.

Journalism is an important aspect of democratic society. It is not an enemy of the people and journalists are usually not trying to harm the public. Rather, they bring an element of transparency, or truth, into society. With this knowledge society can make informed decisions about the economy, politics, government, media, etc. Journalism is not an enemy of the people; rather it gives the people a voice and a connection to the truth. A society without journalism would be a truly frightening scenario because that would mean the people would cut from an important tie they hold to the authorities. To lose journalism would mean to lose an important means of power for society.

Journalists are powerful figures in society, so they get threatened. Journalists are able to evoke strong emotions from the public, and find the truth. They are capable of changing society with their words and are an influential gate between two figures of power, society and authority. Journalists have been threatened in many societies, but it’s because the authority fear the power of journalism. I think that if someone is willing to hurt you based on what you say, there must be some truth to what you are saying, so don’t give up. Writing is a truly beautiful and impactful art.

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