Hello | Teen Ink


March 4, 2019
By oles_w21 BRONZE, Alliance, Ohio
oles_w21 BRONZE, Alliance, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

‘Hello’. Such a simple word, with such a powerful effect. Sometimes all it takes is one word to make people feel wanted. In the United States, someone commits suicide every twelve minutes. A nine-year-old boy in Colorado was being bullied as he excelled through elementary school. The beginning of his fourth-grade year he came out as gay. The kids who were bullying him only got worse once they heard. Maybe if someone would have just said “Hey” or asked him how he was doing he wouldn’t have felt so unwanted or like such an outcast. We as people have such power over people with our words. With one word or one act of kindness, we can stop someone from taking their opportunity to live; to grow old. With that being said, words are often also the cause of depression and suicide. “Jokes,” go a long way. People will say something hurtful and then end their sentence with “just kidding” or “I'm joking”. But those “jokes” still hurt. They will still cause someone to cry themselves to sleep. We say “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” but it isn't the sticks and stones causing people to kill themselves. Instead, we should be saying “sticks and stones may break my bones but words are what will hurt me.” We need to think about how we treat others. We can make a difference, we are the difference.

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