Lucky | Teen Ink


October 28, 2019
By 1manser BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1manser BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I will take advantage of my freedom. The changing future of our country nears and adolescents sit back waiting for someone else to fix it. The laziness of the “it’s not my problem” mentality is embedded in the brains of youth. Young adults are the future; they will make decisions for the United States of America. Voting gives me the chance for my voice to be heard. The world being able to hear my voice is what is special to me. I will make America stronger, but I can’t do it alone. 

I will take advantage of my freedom. Every vote counts. Youth voters could sway an election, meaning a different future for America. Although some youth may not care now, they could in four years. I am lucky to be able to voice my opinion and create change with my vote. Across the world, people are dismissed, ignored, and sometimes not allowed to share how they feel. Americans are lucky to be able to make a difference. 

I will take advantage of my freedom. Being ignorant to the political world is no excuse to why Americans shouldn’t vote. The world is at our fingertips with the technology. About five clicks could tell me which politicians are in which party and how I feel about their believes. Voting will determine the future of America, and young people have the power to change it. 

Voting represents the freedom Americans have. Soldiers don’t die every single day for citizens to not care about what the future will look like. The freedom Americans have stand for something much bigger than “the power or right to act however I want.” The freedom I have stands for the women who fought for my right to vote. The freedom I have stands for the veterans who lost their lives in battle. Freedom is the reason I will vote, and I will take advantage of the independence I have been granted. 

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