Reputation Essay | Teen Ink

Reputation Essay

March 5, 2021
By Anonymous

Just in the U.S., 35,000 snaps are sent per second, 2,000,000 per minute, 200,000 SMS messages are sent per second, 26,000,000,000 per day worldwide. Social media use has been growing at an exponential rate and with this growth tiny things are becoming some of the biggest risks you will take in your life. Social media depicts 80% of the average person's reputation and with this information maybe you will be more careful.

Social media depicts your reputation because for some people that is all they know you by. People that may not know you on a personal level may only know what you post or say on social media. People who don't know you on a personal level may see you in a completely different way than other people or even how you see yourself. How these people see you is completely based on how they perceive what you post, such as good, bad, aggressive, annoying, etc. In the professional world, especially our generation's future as a whole, we are moving to a more interweb based society. This means that what we post and say on the internet will soon be our entire reputation.

The speed at which something can get around at this day in age is almost scary. Your life can change in the matter of minutes, say you post something on your story about a political topic and some people don't agree with it. These people will send it to their friends and tell their friends about it and possibly change stuff up on the way. But also as this is happening the same exact thing is being shared by 20 other people that have seen your story. There are so many opportunities for the story to be mixed up and so many people hearing and talking about it. People can change their opinion about you quickly over the shortest amount of time if the topic really means something to them. Nowadays your reputation seen by many can change in minutes and the only thing you can do about it is regret.

Some people who may not post on social media may think social media does not affect your reputation. However, having social media and not posting on it, or even not having social media in general could mean even more to your reputation. Some people might see you as weird or as a nobody if you don't have social media and maybe in some cases that's worse than having social media with a bad reputation. 

Everything you do on social media can affect your reputation in your everyday life. Social media affects your reputation in everything you do in life from applying for jobs to talking to an old friend. You can protect your reputation by being careful of what you do on social media and limiting who sees your activity. Therefore, remember social media plays a huge role in your reputation.

The author's comments:

This peice means a lot to me. 

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