The Bacon on Your Plate. | Teen Ink

The Bacon on Your Plate.

April 26, 2021
By taanusiachakravorty BRONZE, Gurgaon, Other
taanusiachakravorty BRONZE, Gurgaon, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

With the beginning of every morning. Most people start their day with a cup of coffee and a BLT sandwich or a strip of classic bacon and eggs without a second thought because it's so normal right? Well, it's not that simple. Here's a closer look at the bacon on your plate.


Let's start by saying it like it is, that bacon on your plate was once a breathing, sentient pig who valued their life as much as you and I do. But we don't seem to think about it for even a second because we have been conditioned to think of these animals as nothing more than food since we were children. Their lives suddenly become not as important as those animals we view as pets.

We often forget that they aren't merely just a piece of steak or bacon on our plate, they were once sentient beings with a beating heart, a will to live, and the ability to feel all emotions we as humans feel. We completely disregard their pain and suffering just because they're 'food' but a few minutes of sensory pleasure is not worth their pain and suffering.

We live in a society where objectifying their corpses as food and products is the norm, we live in a society where protesting dog meat is heroic but protesting chicken, cow, or pig meat is extreme. We discriminate between these animals, we pick and choose who we love and who we eat, but on what basis? When you say you love animals but consume animal products you don't love all animals you simply love pets. 

When you see their bodies on your plate, you don't think even for a minute what they went through or experienced because of the disconnection between the 'product', the animal, and you. The moment we start viewing them as who they are and not what we can take from them is when we really see that they're just like us, they want to simply live as we do. They experience fear, joy, pain just like we do.

It's time to break the disconnection and do what's right, speak for those who remain oppressed, those who can't speak for themselves. It's time to educate others and actively help those who need it the most. it's time to become compassionate and value every sentient being's lives just like we would our own. lastly, I hope that you think before you eat that piece of bacon on your plate.

The author's comments:

Hi! My name is Taanusia Chakravorty and if you've not already guessed yet from this article, I LOVE animals! this piece is one of my first articles and I hope you learned something. Thank you for reading this piece :)

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