Misjudgement | Teen Ink


January 28, 2022
By Anonymous

How do we misjudge others, and why? I am going to be writing and telling you about how we can misjudge people by what we observe about them when we see their social media accounts or in public . What we don’t know is how they are in person; we just judge what we see from a distance. This is a learned response, whether it's learned from family, or by society. The main focus of this article is to hopefully shed some light to a problem that is overlooked or ignored. There are many reasons people get judged in public, but I personally am going to focus on religion, sexuality, disability, and looks. I know that there are many more however, these are some that I hear about the most.

The first topic I want to write about is how people will get judged in public for looking different or treated differently if another person thinks someone is “too ugly” to treat them with the same amount of respect as they would someone else. We as humans have been taught to think certain ways whether we grew up in a judgeful household or a household that has a different opinion than others. If we were to see someone in public with a large amount of tattoos with black clothing on we would assume they are mean and rude or we would assume they were a “motorcyclist” because that is how they portray them in movies. We find many ways to judge and assume things about others and we all do it sometimes when we don't even realize it. In

do we misjudge others, and why? I am going to be writing and telling you about how we can misjudge people by what we observe about them when we see their social media accounts or in public . What we don’t know is how they are in person; we just judge what we see from a distance. This is a learned response, whether it's learned from family, or by society. The main focus of this article is to hopefully shed some light to a problem that is overlooked or ignored. There are many reasons people get judged in public, but I personally am going to focus on religion, sexuality, disability, and looks. I know that there are many more however, these are some that I hear about the most.

The first topic I want to write about is how people will get judged in public for looking different or treated differently if another person thinks someone is “too ugly” to treat them with the same amount of respect as they would someone else. We as humans have been taught to think certain ways whether we grew up in a judgeful household or a household that has a different opinion than others. If we were to see someone in public with a large amount of tattoos with black clothing on we would assume they are mean and rude or we would assume they were a “motorcyclist” because that is how they portray them in movies. We find many ways to judge and assume things about others and we all do it sometimes when we don't even realize it. In others for who they choose to be and love. Being judged on who we choose to be and love is something that others do not want to be judged on and the main targets who choose to dislike this topic are older people who were raised in a time where loving the same gender as yourself was

frowned upon and still do not understand that now is a different time. When we see a happy couple who share the same gender most older people assume they are “unholy” and are not good people but in reality they could be very nice people. I even have a few friends that have experienced the fire of people who believe same sex relationships should not be a thing. They have experienced it in all sorts of ways whether that way be virtually or in person. My first friend is a Non-Binary Lesbian who gets harassed on social media platforms and getting called a fake lesbian and that all she needs is the right man to change her mind. My second friend is a gay man who gets harassed by people in public for being gay and people will call him mean slurs in public and he will also get bullied online for who he chooses to love. Why is it any different than people who choose to love someone of the opposite gender? Love is love. 

My final topic that others get made fun of is disabilities. I saved this one for last because it is something that holds a personal connection to me. I myself am not disabled but my youngest brother is, we are not sure exactly what is wrong all we know is one day he was a kid who could walk and run around but then one day he couldn’t anymore. He didn't let that hold him back

though he still smiles and laughs and tries to make others happy,  He does not even let the dirty looks that he gets in public stop him but others may and when we are rude to others we see in public we may not realize what our mean words get to them. Other people with disabilities like people who have face defects like they are born with a messed up face will get made fun of in public or laughed at even though that is something that they cannot control. He is still a human being who has feelings, he still deserves to be respected just as anyone else. 

That is my perspective on misjudging others that we see in public or who we observe online. In the end i think we are all humans all deserving the same amount of respect no matter our religion or our sexuality or if we were born differently than other people. 

The author's comments:

This is just my person view and opinion others may be different.

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