Laughing all the way to the treasury | Teen Ink

Laughing all the way to the treasury

May 4, 2023
By Eat1tham BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
Eat1tham BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the IRS, I'm often approached by hardworking citizens seeking advice on navigating the complexities of the tax system. They're looking for some secret formula or hidden loophole that will allow them to keep more of their hard-earned money. Well, I'm here to tell you, there's no magic wand, but the keys to surviving the tax game are crystal clear: Pay your taxes diligently, keep meticulous records, report every penny of income, and remember that one day, I will swoop in and snatch away your savings with my tax claws of doom. It's just a matter of time, folks. Resistance is futile, and my appetite for your money knows no bounds.

I always get young hard working citizens who all start to climb the ladder of success and finally begin making a decent income, little do they know that I have a grand plan in store for them. Just as you celebrate your financial milestones and dream of a brighter future, you received a letter from yours truly, revealing that I’m about to become your new business partner. Oh, the excitement! But little did you know that this will not be your typical partnership. I will be taking a generous cut of your income through a maze of convoluted tax laws, mind-bending forms, and jaw-dropping loopholes. It will be like navigating through a treacherous maze with a blindfold over your eyes and active mines spread out every five feet waiting for you to step on. It will be a cruel game of 'Guess the Deduction' where the rules are constantly changing, and you will be left puzzled, left wondering how it was fair that I could take your hard-earned money in ways that seemed more like a magic trick gone wrong than a fair system. 

And let's not forget the consequences of trying to outsmart me. I don't take it kindly to those who think they can slip through the cracks and avoid their very very fair share of contributions. Oh no, my dear taxpayers, I have a watchful eye and a long memory. If you dare try to venture into the treacherous territory of tax avoidance, be prepared for a world of hurt. I have an arsenal of penalties, fines, and legal actions at my disposal, and I'm not afraid to use them. You can try to hide your income, stash your assets in offshore accounts, or come up with elaborate schemes to evade taxes, but sooner or later, I will catch up to you. 

I know this may seem unfair. And to be honest, I know. You may think that dream of owning mansions and supercars and living that lavish lifestyle will be unreachable, but because of me,  it will be one hundred percent unreachable.

 While you and many hardworking taxpayers may feel a twinge of jealousy when you see the wealthy elite taking advantage of tax breaks and loopholes, I have to admit that it's hard to blame you. After all, they're simply playing the game by the rules that I've set, and they're winning at it with finesse. Who wouldn't want to pay less in taxes and keep more of their hard-earned money? While it may seem unfair to you, the truth is that the rich and powerful have the means to navigate my complex tax system and come out on top. It's like a high-stakes game of chess, and they're making strategic moves to protect their wealth while you, however, are left baffled, wondering how they're always several steps ahead. So, while you may feel some jealousy, I have to acknowledge that the system is working exactly how I designed it, favoring those who have the means to take advantage of it, and leaving others, like you, feeling left behind and questioning the fairness of it all. 

Rest assured, that your hard-earned money will be put to good use. We'll be investing in imported marble floors for our luxurious government offices and indulging in lavish banquets with the finest caviar and champagne for our esteemed politicians. Your tax dollars will be spent in ways that will leave you wondering how any of this could possibly be justified. It's just one of the many perks of our very fair tax system.

So, my advice to you is to navigate the treacherous waters of taxation with caution, as the rules are ever-changing and the loopholes are reserved for the privileged few. Stay vigilant, keep track of every expense, and meticulously report your earnings. But rest assured, I will be there, ready to close any loopholes you may find, impose penalties for any errors you make, and take my share of your hard-earned money. After all, it's all in the name of fairness, right? Just remember, the only things you can be certain about in life are aging, seasons, death and taxes, and I, as the government, am here to make sure of it. 

The author's comments:

This piece was an assignment in my English class. We were told to make a humorous proposal over a topic of our choice. “The Humor + Proposal essay will contain both a proposal and humor, as well as conscientiously borrowed rhetorical techniques from a professional model essay of your choice.” I modeled my essay off an article about the competitiveness of business written by The Onion. My teacher and my friend read my essay during peer review and they found pretty funny. Didn’t know I was gonna get some laughs out of it so I decided why not post this to Teenink.


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