It Bothers Me | Teen Ink

It Bothers Me

May 31, 2024
By mei_ea GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
mei_ea GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

  Why do people swear under their breath when they are angry? It bothers me. I hate when people repeat my jokes or anyone else's, can’t you come up with your own? It bothers me. When people spit while they talk, and they have no clue or no care, it bothers me. When someone doesn't raise their hand in class, and they just blurt out the answer or a question, it bothers me. When kids are rude to adults, it bothers me. A lot of the things that bother me have to do with social cues. I think kids being rude to adults is like walking into someone's house and making a huge mess without cleaning it up. You shouldn't do that.It bothers me when you roll your eyes while I talk to you. It bothers me when you chew so loudly I can hear you a mile away. It bothers me when I am sad, maybe even crying, and you think it's funny, smiling and laughing in my face. 

A lot of things bother me, but some just make me so angry. When people are hard to make plans with, and I just want to give up, they make me so angry. When I hang out with people and they act like they don't to be there, then I just feel stupid. They make me so angry. When I hang out with someone, and they show up sick and spread it to me, then I am also sick, they make me so angry. 

I am not a negative person, but some things do get on my nerves. When people say cringeworthy things like “you are the peanut butter to my jelly” or “you’re the yin to my yang”, it’s gross, come up with some other way to show your love. 

All in all, everyone has certain things that bother them and no one can be perfect, meaning the stuff you do is most likely on someone else's list. while people do annoy me there are plenty of wonderful things that I cherish I’ll adjudicate the things I abhor and look on the bright side more often. So let us all commence this new journey and think more positively.

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