is the american dream still available to everyone | Teen Ink

is the american dream still available to everyone

June 5, 2024
By Anonymous

The dream is still possible cause it all started with me in high school. I started not starting in football and making it to a varsity starter. After school, I'm going to go to school for a master technician, and after all that I'm going to have my own business. My uncle did all of this and he has inspired me to take the same path he went on.

One of the biggest problems that I have seen with the American Dream is that people themselves and their culture are one of the main problems. The perfect example of this is the black community, which consists of 13% of the population. Yet they are committing 59.6% of all crimes. Then commit 33% of nonfatal violent crimes and 26.6% of fatal non-violent crimes. All of this is based on the foundation of the FBI and bureaus of justice statistics found by my classmate Nathan Perez.

In my humble opinion, I feel this so-called systemic racism is more of a cultural thing found in the black community where they glorify gangs, murder, rape, and violent and illegal tendencies. So no the police are not being racist they are just doing their job in trying to maintain order and peace by patrolling an area which statistically and culturally will have crime. All of this can be said the same for Latino groups and music, to the point where even their ethnicity on the streets and the force will agree that this is not a systemic problem but a cultural one.

In regard to the Latino culture it can trace back the roots of illegal migration, in which groups of families will illegally cross into the country and infiltrate our communities. From there they will slowly start to spread and in a way take over the community/neighborhood, as evident in the population and census data of 2020.  But once in the communities they form gangs and use fear and terror to control.  This is prevalent in the music and the way both the black and Latino community express themselves.

Once again on the topic I firmly believe that the American dream can and will be fully achieved by any and everyone that is willing to and wants to put in the work and effort to do so.  Since this is the way the system is built and how it is intended for the American citizen to achieve the dream of this great and powerful nation.  The example I present is of my uncle, who can do it anyone can.

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