The Issue of Banned Books In America | Teen Ink

The Issue of Banned Books In America

June 20, 2024
By Nattra BRONZE, Geneva, Ohio
Nattra BRONZE, Geneva, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"If you're going to make fun of me, improve yourself first." -Han Jisung

Picture this, you’re at the school library looking for a volume of the second book in the Harry Potter series. You just finished reading the first book and you can’t wait to see what happens next. After searching for a while, you decide to ask the librarian for help. But when you ask her, she tells you that the Harry Potter series is banned at your school. How do you feel? 

This is becoming a common issue in American schools. Books are being banned for unfair reasons. Harry Potter is one of the most popular series that these bans are going against. Religious leaders are saying the book depicts witchcraft. Students in public schools come from diverse backgrounds and religions. Not everyone is going to be worried about that type of thing. If they are, then they can simply choose to read something else. Everyone in the school should not have to miss out on the story.

The biggest reason books are being banned in America is the support or inclusion of characters who are LGBTQ+. As Brandon Tensely, a reporter for CNN, explained in his article, “We’re seeing a relaunch of an old story’: Exploring the movement to ban books with LGBTQ characters”, many adults think that the LGBTQ+ community is looking to target and “recruit'' young people with these books. But that’s not a fair accusation. Authors write books with diverse characters in hopes of making their readers feel understood. They hope that the reader will be able to relate to the characters and feel a sense of comfort. So rather than to target non LGBTQ+ children, the books are meant to make the kids who are in the community feel like they aren’t alone. Since LGBTQ+ is looked at as morally wrong in America, this could be really effective. 

Another huge reason why books are banned is because they tell stories of the injustices in black history. The ban is to keep books that point out America's past and present flaws from being pointed out. One of the most popular of these books is The Hate U Give by Angie Thompson which was banned for being “anti-police.” The book follows the main character, Starr Carter as she navigates through the poorer black neighborhood she lives in, and the white school she goes to. The story explains a common problem with black people and white police officers. It’s not to be anti-police, but to point out improvements that need to be made. 

If you ever find yourself in a situation where a book you want to read is banned, speak out. Explain why the ban is wrong, and help to change this recurring problem in America.

The author's comments:

I wrote this for school :)

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