A Society of Chronic Complainers | Teen Ink

A Society of Chronic Complainers

November 12, 2012
By mateinoso BRONZE, Bogota, Other
mateinoso BRONZE, Bogota, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One of the main flaws that adults find in "our generation" (a.k.a the kids they raised) is that we complain about a lot of things with little to no importance. Some popular examples said by children that drive parents to the brink of dementia are "my tummy hurts", or "I'm hungry". Adults get annoyed by the fact that children rely 100% on their parents for comfort, so they get frustrated when kids can't cope with problems that they can, be that opening the fridge or swinging on the swing.

What they don't notice is that they complain just as much as we do. Economy, politics, cars, the topics are endless. And what annoys me the most is that people keep telling themselves "You just solved that problem by doing nothing except posting an annoying status update about your food being starchy on Facebook which your friends will all like. And that will make you feel better because you feel like somebody supports you and cares for your problem and feels empathy towards you, when in actuality they just feel sorry for you and find that you are a sorry loner that has nothing to do in life other that posting petty updates on Facebook".

But anyway, I'm getting off topic. What I was trying to get across is that even adults complain, and in copious amounts. The only difference between that and Jimmy over there hurting his knee, is that adults don't have a superior to nag at them telling that they complain too much. I sometimes wish there was a magic person that electrocuted adults every time they are being hypocritical.

Another section of this topic that I would like to cover, is the fact that complaining is a communal thing. Most animals (humans especially) are pack animals and function a lot better when in a group. And I can think of hundreds of times that my father invited some of his friends to do a BBQ and they would yell at each other between sips of beer about the high tax rates or why the current president is doing a terrible job. They don't really notice exactly how obnoxious and annoying they are because they're doing it in a communal setting. But for me, the 14 year old boy in the corner twiddling his thumbs, it is definitely a place I don't like to be in. I have the ability to follow the conversation and contribute, but I can’t do it because I’m just a kid that has no intellectual value (In their eyes) and because I complain too much (even though that’s exactly what they’re doing).

Right now you might be thinking that I am exactly what I just described, an annoying adolescent talking nonsense, but I beg you to understand that the only reason why you don’t notice this problem in today’s society is because you don’t have the same point of view as I do.

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