Changing the Healthcare System | Teen Ink

Changing the Healthcare System

November 30, 2012
By Alyssa Steffen BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Alyssa Steffen BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Changing the Healthcare System
November 7, 2012
Mr. President
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington DC, 20500

Dear Mr. President,

Too much government control in health care is the most important issue right now. Health care is a complicated and controversial topic that needs to be addressed right away. The federal government has taken too much control over other people’s lives.

The government implemented health care plan is over-the-top. According to the CNN article “Health Care’s Big Four Issues: What the Justices are Tackling” by Bill Mears, the new plan is forcing every person to have some form of health care by 2014. This concept is understandable. People that don’t have any form of health care are unable to contribute to the economy. But, the problem occurs when there are people that can’t afford a home, let alone health care. What are they supposed to do? The health care plan as of right now is allowing low income families to have government supported health care so that they fit the requirements in 2014. This has resulted in the individual states being forced to spend more on Medicaid with the possibility of severely hurting the states’ budget
No matter what is decided some people will be unhappy, finding the most efficient and cost conservative way is important. It makes sense that the government is trying to help those who cannot afford healthcare because according to the Health Care Statistics article at Health Care Problems .org, the United States has attained the title of one of the worst health care systems in the world with also the most expensive expenditures. According to Mitt Romney on Obama and Romney on the issues: Health Care by Dan Balz, as the federal government uses more and more money to help fund Medicaid, 716 billion dollars is being deducted from Medicare to pay for it. This is a scary thought. I think of my future, even though it’s far away. I worry about being able to retire. With these huge budget cuts how can anyone pay for retirement if all their retirement money is spent on health care?
The states democracies should be given the ability to choose where to put the Medicaid money. Individually, each state knows the needs of its people better than the Federal government does. So, it makes sense that the state government would have the power to choose where the Medicaid money goes. Going this route will cause more people to go out and look for jobs so that they can afford health care that was not automatically given to them because of their total percentage income in a national level. This will then stimulate the economy and help people become more independent. A program based on the people’s needs is the best solution to the strictly implemented government health care system in place now. According to Article 1 of the Constitution of the United States, congress has the power to lay and collect taxes “to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare to the United States,” and also “regulate commerce.” This is all true, but the federal government has taken it too far.

Thank you for your time and I hope that you consider my thoughts and suggestion.



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