Electronic Communication Devices | Teen Ink

Electronic Communication Devices

December 14, 2012
By TaySmith BRONZE, Saline, Michigan
TaySmith BRONZE, Saline, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How often do you use your phone in the car? Whether it’s to find your way around, or just a call home, electronic communication devices are convenient and helpful resources. States should not ban young drivers from electronic communication devices.
To begin with, many teens need their electronic communication devices for many reasons like emergencies. For example, you might have to contact a family member or they might have to call you about a family emergency; there's no other way except by a cellular device while you’re in the car. Another type of an emergency teens would need to use their cell phone for while driving is for roadside assistance. While driving in the car, you might see someone getting hurt or even someone injured on the side of the road. Using your cell phone is the most helpful and quickest way to contact someone in case of an emergency.
Secondly, there are other distractions besides a teen’s electronic communication devices in the car. Most teens listen to music while driving. When you’re driving and listening to music on the radio, sometimes you have to switch stations to get on your favorite song that you like to hear. By doing that, that’s a distraction when you're taking your eyes off the road for that quick second. Another distraction while driving is other people in the car. Teenagers will most likely have their friends in the car when they’re driving. Their friends could be messing around in the car which could distract the driver also.
Lastly, states are discriminating against teens. People believe that teens are irresponsible and not mature enough to use electronic communication devices while driving. Teens have to take a written test and road test to drive same as adults do. Therefore, teens have the same driving experience as adults do. States are targeting teens 18 and under. They think teens can;t be responsible for themselves.
In conclusion, states should not ban electronic communication devices from teens because of emergencies, other distractions, and states discriminating against kids 18 and under. How can teens be expected to be responsible when they are treated like children?

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