Letter to President Obama | Teen Ink

Letter to President Obama

January 16, 2013
By Anonymous

I write you this letter to inform you the president the poverty in the United States is a huge problem. So I’ve been thinking can we add more programs to help out those less fortunate. Most of the families living in poverty have a number of children and are no getting their education nor their nutrition.
Many of these people had great paying jobs at one time, but there are also problems with layoffs, cutbacks, etc. and these people have very little help. People living in poverty at times can’t afford gas nor public transportation so they have to walk and that’s depending on weather conditions.
Families with children are hit especially hard with no money to afford diapers, formula, nor clothes. Of course there that program like WIC, but is it enough?
I oppose that you should create more efficient programs and bring more jobs into this country.

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