Being Organic | Teen Ink

Being Organic

February 26, 2013
By Diana Gertel BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
Diana Gertel BRONZE, Mequon, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Organic: that is what our souls are. They are fresh and pure, unharmed by harsh chemicals. Not always does this pureness show. While each person’s “organicness” is trying to reach out, it is pushed back in by the expectations of today’s society. Perhaps it’s not even the expectations but rather the actions that we choose to perform daily. For some people it may even be more often than just once a day. We put on a mask, hiding our true selves because we are afraid of what people may think or say. It is true that you must pay a price to be yourself. This is unfortunate, that somehow being true to what you believe is simply not good enough. So we can either be ourselves no matter how silly and allow those who talk to talk, or simply band together and not talk at all. No I don’t mean live our lives in silence and refrain from expression. I mean stop talking and creating judgments about other people. Why is this so difficult? Think about trendsetting. At first the style seems weird, but soon enough it catches on and everyone joins in. It only takes one person to make a stand, pay the price, and live their life judgment free. Hopefully, with enough passion, this will create a similar chain effect. Get rid of the negative energy that is constantly floating around and accept that everyone in his or her own organic state is beautiful. To solve this problem, we must first understand what is causing people to create the desire to put on an act. The simple answer is: their own insecurities. Admittedly, I can speak of this from my own experience. If I ever have not liked someone, it was for some stupid reason. Maybe they are prettier than me, smarter, taller, a better runner, which is all materialistic matter. If we learn to stop envying, we can stop hating. If we stopped hating, it would be much easier to be our organic selves. Yes, for now there are some people I can show my true colors to, but once I step into an uncomfortable environment, my organicness is gone.

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