Dangers of Semi-Truck | Teen Ink

Dangers of Semi-Truck

March 22, 2013
By jorge.A BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
jorge.A BRONZE, Denver, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t you agree that semi-trucks have caused too many accidents? Semi-trucks are dangerous harmful, and there are other ways to travel goods. Semi-trucks are big, and can harm people. Also tests have shown that semi-trucks give a lot of pollution. Semi-trucks should be off the road because there too dangerous, harmful to the earth, and final because there are other ways to travel goods

Semi-trucks cause too much danger, and harm. Semi-trucks have cause accidents, and deaths on the road. “A lot more than 50 people die from semi-trucks travelling across the United States.” This is why trucks are a danger, and harmful to people. We should not have semi-trucks travelling goods across the U.S. to be safe, and live a better life with our loved ones.

My second reason that semi-trucks shouldn’t travel across the United States is because they harm the earth with pollution. Not only can semi-trucks harm us they harm our world, and environment. “Studies have shown that semi-trucks have caused more pollution than boats or trains.” This is another reason why semi-trucks don’t belong on the road. Not only do they hurt people, but they harm our environment. Trucks should not belong on the road. They hurt our country, and world as a whole

My last and final reason why we shouldn’t have semi-trucks is. Boats and trains would do a much better job at travelling goods across America. “Boats and trains do a better job at travelling goods than semi-trucks do”. Clearly the choice of trains and boats is much better than hurting our world with semi-trucks. Clearly semi-trucks don’t belong on the road.

In conclusion semi-trucks don’t belong on the road. They cause too many deaths in America. They hurt our world with all the pollution their bringing. Also trains and boats would do a much better job overall. This is why semi-trucks don’t belong on the road or anywhere near the U.S.

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This article has 1 comment.

dgrunden1 said...
on May. 26 2013 at 2:22 pm
WOW! really! how do you think the things buy at the store get there or the food you eat you have no clue what it's like to be in that big truck and see the way car drive around them. car are the reaso for most crashes with semi's