stop teens drunk driving | Teen Ink

stop teens drunk driving

April 15, 2013
By Anonymous

Stop teens Drunk Driving
In recent times, drinking and driving has become a serious issue among teenagers in the United States. In order to drive safely, a person has to be alert, capable to make decisions based of incidents happening around them. All it takes is for someone to get you started, and within a blink of an eye that could be your life. Now I see why the law is getting more and more harder on drinking while driving. A lot of things can happen to someone who chooses to drink and drive and almost all of them are bad: death, serious injury, jail, heavy fines, and suspension of driving license.
I learn in driver’s edd, driving while intoxicated or drunk is dangerous. Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. The study rates motor vehicle crashes as the leading cause of deaths among teenagers. It also reported that the fatalities caused by teens drinking and driving constituted forty percent of all alcohol-related fatalities in the United States. This can be very dangerous because they are not thinking clearly to be at the age they’re at.
In Stuart, Florida was a quiet town, until a fatal accident divided their community; two girls were killed by a teen driver who’d been drinking at a party. He was sentenced to prison, but for the grieving parents of two dead girls, it wasn’t enough. So the teens at the party that night had to pay for what happen. It was a deadly accident that put family against family, and parent against parent. That’s why one bad mistake can destroy a person life and this can be you.

(Crash scene photo: The Accident took the lives of two teenage girls)
Despite many warnings and strict laws that stop liquor by teenagers, teens continue to drink and drive. Every year thousands of parents and siblings have to go through pain for what someone did or what happen to that person. I hope one day teens can really think about the decisions their making. More parents need to watch their children are doing and lay down some rules. That’s the only way your child going to learn what not to do, by you teaching them.

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15silleman said...
on Apr. 19 2013 at 2:47 pm
15silleman, Ny, New York
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my best freind died