Child Molesters Should Recieve Harsher Punishment | Teen Ink

Child Molesters Should Recieve Harsher Punishment

April 23, 2013
By Anonymous

Did you know that some 500,000 children born in the U.S. alone will be sexually abused before they turn eight-teen? Most of the abuse will occur at places the child should be safest, like at home and school.
According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry most of the time child abuse is not even talked about. Why is that; because it is too painful to think about our children being hurt in such monstrous ways? Unacceptable! Unreported and untreated sexual abuse only scars children and leaves the offenders to abuse more children.
Of all crimes sexually based ones are the most heinous, especially against children. The men and women who are responsible of these crimes deserve the worst punishments possible.

In places like Wisconsin, laws have been passed for mandatory three – year minimum sentence. Is this enough? Sure it is a start, but the punishment should strike the fear of God into the offender! In Colorado, it is allowed for repeat offenders to get the death penalty. Repeat is the key word of that sentence; once is too much. In Rhode Island, 70 % of convicted child molesters did not spend one day in prison. In 2008 Supreme Court ruled in Kennedy VS. Louisiana that imposing death penalty for the molestation of a child amounted to cruel and unusual punishment thus being unconstitutional.

Is it ok for child molesters to just receive a slap on the wrist? Is your answer no? Though this is probably agreeable, there is one problem as to why this is reality. The problem is overcrowded prisons. The total population of prisoners neared 2.1 million according to the Bureau of Justice statistics.
How can this be fixed? Put the offenders to death immediately after they are convicted. This would take care of overcrowding, as well as, keeping devils off the street.
If one child’s life is ruined, shouldn’t that be enough? The typical molester abuses on average 120 children according to the Wings of Hope.
However, most children are too scared to report their offender. Why should 120 scared children have to suffer by one pedophile?
The molester should not get the chance to repeat the crime. Once should be more than enough.
As a result of these cruel, cold-hearted, villains the victims become defected according to the National Child abuse and Neglect Data System. They suffer from anti-social behavior, depression, identity confusion, loss of self esteem, and other emotional problems.
On average, the victims have difficulty with intimated relationships, later on in life, as well.
If that wasn’t enough 32 % will attempt suicide, and another 43 % will consider it according to a study done by the Department of Pediatrics and Child Health.
Other effects will include alcohol and drug abuse. Not only that, but they will lose their religious faith, as well, according to the Ark of Hope. These poor victims will also lose trust in authority figures, such as the police, the people they should trust the most. Normally, the abused will also have poor work habits. The abuse to victims will also lead to inappropriate sexual behavior according to the National Institute of Justice.

The most innocent people in our society, our children, deserve to grow up in safe environments. Even with one convicted sex offender on the streets, our children are at risk.
The safety of children is as simple as harsher punishments to these villains. With one aggressor dead or behind bars, 120 children could live normal lives! What is more important than the happiness and well-being of our children?
Our children are our lives and they deserve nothing less than our hardest efforts at keeping them safe.

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