Failing Does Not Mean You Are a Failure | Teen Ink

Failing Does Not Mean You Are a Failure

October 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Failing Does Not Mean You Are a Failure
Sven Goran Eriksson once said, “The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.” Success in life is unattainable if one fears failure. This fear holds people back from trying new things, and trying new things is what leads to success and happiness in life. Failure is a necessary and worthwhile experience in life. Failure gives us strength, and teaches us how to move on. These two items allow people to achieve success therefore, failure leads to success.
Failure gives strength to those who experience it. The desire to succeed is magnified when one fails. They start out disappointed and sometimes angry, then as time wears on they become ambitious and stronger because of their failure. Their anger turns into motivation and strength that is required to succeed. Albert Einstein is an example of this process. Einstein was not afraid to fail. When developing the light bulb he failed over one hundred times. Every time he failed, he became stronger and started again. Einstein finally succeeded at constructing a light bulb, and every failure he went through led to him to his final success. Without failure, one would not have enough strength to succeed.
Failure can also provide individuals with the knowledge of how to move forward. Moving forward after a failure can be difficult but it teaches endurance to those who experience it. If an individual does not move forward after a failure, they begin to live in the past. Success is not available to those who live in the past. Success avoids people who do not move forward. In my life, I have learned this. When I started high school, I wanted to be a part of the musical production more than I had wanted anything before. I practiced for weeks what I was going to do for my audition. I rehearsed what I was going to say, do, and sing. The day of my audition came and I thought it had gone great, but the day the cast list came out my name was not on it. I cried for the rest of the day and into the next. I could not stand the fact that I had failed. I told myself that I would never try out for anything again. Then I realized that I would never succeed if I had the mindset of a failure. That experience gave me the strength and confidence that I have now and has led to many successes in my life in the years since. I learned how to get up and go on with life after that failure.
Experiencing failure provides individuals with strength and teaches them how to move forward with life. Many great and accomplished people like Einstein failed countless times. These failures only made them stronger and better people, and made them who they are or were. Failure leads to success in all things. Without it, this Earth would not be the way it is now, and neither would any of the people. Failure is a necessary and worthwhile experience in life; it provides knowledge and experience that assists us in daily life.

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