Technology: Good or bad? | Teen Ink

Technology: Good or bad?

October 20, 2013
By mariansahakyan BRONZE, Irvine, California
mariansahakyan BRONZE, Irvine, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Just keep swimming.

What would happen if a computer crashed? How about if someone lost their cellphone? If simply thinking about these events gives you anxiety, you are not alone; most of us rely so much on technology these days that even losing our cellphones for a day would be extremely inconvenient and, for some, life changing.
Having the luxury of online databases makes teens less inclined to find information in books and dictionaries. Most people do not even bother to read books and newspapers, instead they read articles online that have already been previously analyzed and criticized. On the other hand, having technology available sometimes helps people to find the correct source of information in a shorter period of time than they would while searching for an article in libraries.
In the past, people only had to worry about too much TV, but now there are video games, computers, cellphones and all kinds of distracting devices to keep people away from what they really need to get done. It is quite overwhelming for everyone to keep up with the growing technologies and not get hurt by it.
The text-messaging trend is another serious problem, which has become an essential part of everyday life. Being able to express thoughts in a few sentences and sending them to a recipient is much easier than having to talk in person; plus, it makes individuals more able to communicate with others, whom they may not otherwise talk to, but that’s only the good side of the story; according to experts, text messaging may also have negative effects on users, it can dent the human brain and stunt reading skills.
Technology can take away social skills if a person spends too much time online. However, the majority of people do not live online; they constantly have conversations with others face to face. Although they may talk to some people only online, they interact with others daily. Technology is not bad, what may be bad is the way that people choose to use it. ?

The author's comments:
Being a part of the "stupid" generation, I just wanted to share my opinion about the issue, though I am a big fan of my iPhone.

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