Just Do It | Teen Ink

Just Do It

November 22, 2013
By Diana Guliyeva BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
Diana Guliyeva BRONZE, Round Lake, Illinois
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Helping someone or not helping someone. That is a question we all think about when someone needs help or is in trouble. Recently in my english class, we read a book called, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. He portrays the characters as bold and courageous by having the characters make bold actions like risking their life to do someone a favor. The Hubermann parents named Rosa and Hans decided to take in a Jewish boy named Max Vandenberg. Max’s father saved Han’s life in the army, so he’s repaying him to save Max’s life for not going into the concentration camps. A gesture can go a long way.

Helping someone can be easy, other times it can be difficult. It’s very easy to say that people should always do the right actions despite the consequences and circumstances, but when it comes down to physically doing it, then that can be a little more difficult. Helping someone is a very nice gesture, but with the way some people need help, it can put you in danger. In the novel, The Book Thief, The Hubermann’s knew what they were up against and still decided to help Max Vandenberg. Hans Hubermann stuck to his word and let Max into his home when really, he was supposed to go to the concentration camps because he was Jewish. It was Hitler vs. the Hubermann’s and needless to say, it was a tie; Max got help, but still ended up in the camps. They were close to getting caught with Max, but they were clever enough to hide him in the basement or another room so no one would find him. Further more, helping someone in danger or a simple gesture would still lead to the same outcome. You should always do what you feel is right despite the consequences, whether it’s death or not, you should still help someone if they need it and if they earned it. Always picture yourself in someone elses shoes and see how you would like it if others didn’t help you. The outcome is great, you help someone and they treat you like a hero.
Doing the right decision has power. Every person is different in their own way; each person has different rules that they go by. Some think doing the right decision is bullying someone, or destroying property. Others think doing the right decision is helping someone in need, or saving a life. I personally choose option 2 because I believe that citizens should always make good choices and help the world. In Elie Wiesel’s “The Perils of Indifference” speech, he says, “Gratitude is a word that I cherish. Gratitude is what defines the humanity of the human being.” Even if you help someone a little as putting a dollar in a homeless mans cup on the streets, he will show his gratitude by thanking you because others don’t even look at the homeless man. So he thinks he’s ignorable to citizens in general; which is false because not everyone is cruel. Our world is not perfect, but all we can do is show and express our gratitude to someone who goes out of their way just to help you. That is why we should help others no matter the circumstances are. They show their gratitude and repay you when you need help. Also, helping one another is just a nice friendly gesture to do. “The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope” (Barack Obama). This quote just shows that there is a good future for our world and people like the Hubermann’s should be recognized for their gratitude. They helped keep someone alive; Max showed his gratitude by making books for Liesel Hubermann to read. I agree, everyone should always make the right choice no matter the circumstances or the consequences. Before acting, think about who are up against and determine if it’s worth it or not to act upon.
Lastly, be generous with your blessings. There are others in our world who have nothing, and it is up to those citizens who have everything to help out. When you see someone having a rough day, talk to them; when someone is in danger, help them. As long as you're helping a person, forget about what the circumstances and consequences are, accomplish what you feel is right and make a good decision in your life. What if you were in a bad situation, wouldn't you want help too? A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.

The author's comments:
I am very strong about this opinion because I personally believe that everyone should help one another in order to make this world go round.

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