Breaking rules | Teen Ink

Breaking rules

November 25, 2013
By Anonymous

Breaking Rules
If the victor writes history then who would ever know if they broke any rules in the first place. Throughout history there has been countless examples of people who break rules. These rules that have been broken are just rules put in by government, also it’s the unspoken rules of society, and ideas that the Catholic Church put on Europe. The men that have broken these rules have become immortal and shall never have be forgotten while others shall be forgotten in a year or two. Breaking a few rules is not a bad thing it’s just how you break them and why you broke them is what matters.
Take Julius Caesar for example, he was the greatest Roman emperor that broke one big rule and is remembered two thousand years later. In that time period it was standard for the Roman senate to give all of its power to one ruler in a crisis, and then for that ruler to return that power back to the senate once the crisis was solved. Julius Caesar never gave that power back to the senate, so the senate was upset and so they decide to assassinate him. The roman people loved Julius Caesar, so they stoned the senators who were involved in the assassination. The Roman people thought that he become a god once he died. For his rule breaking, he become immortal.
The Catholic Church made up wild accusations about what the world around us. If you went against the church, and said that they were wrong there would be harsh punishments. Galileo Galilee, the father of modern science, was thrown in jail because he believed in heliocentric “Which is the belief that the earth rotates around the sun” vs. the church’s belief of geocentric. This idea of heliocentric was developed by Galileo and was eventually proven right by Isaac Newton, who also got prosecuted by the Catholic Church. In 18th century the church made it legal for it to be taught in Rome. The other person that the Catholic Church hated was Martin Luther because he said that their teachings were wrong and he started to teach what he thought was right. Then they started hunting him because they wanted to keep their power. A German king hid Martin Luther at his castle this is where he translated the bible from Latin to the German vernacular. With Martin Luther translation we still might be under the control of the Catholic Church. The people who broke the rules of the Catholic Church broke them selflessly. They broke them to benefit everybody as a whole, and that’s why people like Newton, Galileo and martin Luther shall be forever remembered.
Even our founding fathers broke rules. They started a revolution. They broke rules against England, but the actual breaking of the rules has become irrelevant to the American people. Nobody today thinks that they just broke a few rules like the Boston Tea Party for example. No they are thought as heroes and as people who just had enough of the rules put on them by England. This is because they took steps to become the victor’s. So they can write history and they tell it how they want it to be told. Just image how the revolutionary war would be told over in England if they had won.
Martin Luther King Junior broke several rules and went to jail a few times, but that’s not what is mentioned on Martin Luther King Junior today. He went against a lot of unwritten rules of society for equal rights. At the time some people view him as an abomination to society, others a savoir. The rules that he broke were rules of society which were thought to be the only way to change was by using force, but he proved us wrong. He didn’t use force he used the practices that Gandhi promoted peaceful protesting. He turned the other cheek when others didn’t. He was a true pacifist. Martin Luther King Junior broke rules, but he did it peacefully and that’s why he will be always remembered as a hero of the twenty first century.
Then they are men like Richard Nixon a man who did anything and ever thing to become president and stay president. He lied, he stole and he did everything he could to stay on top. Then he got caught for being involved in the Watergate scandal because he was being selfish and hungry for power. There is a more recent man like this and his name is Lance Armstrong a celebrity because he won the tour de France after he recovered from cancer. Lance lied and cheated in the sports world, which happens all the time, but it was a big deal because he was too well known. He was too hungry for power, it blinded him. These two men are a paradigm for what greed can cause to humanity. The length a person is will to go to keep their power or to gain power is uncanny.
Then there are people like Justin Bieber who are entertainers, and though they do break rules they are still truly irrelevant. Take Justin Bieber for example he has not done anything noteworthy, and when I mean noteworthy I mean literal to take notes in a high school history class. He has done nothing important than just mere entertainment. He will fade just fade in the next decade and become irrelevant just like every other entertainer. Entertainers don’t start revolutions or cure cancer. Aside from their music, they don’t do anything lasting. They only rules that they break are drinking and driving and doing illegal drugs. So it’s not just about break the rules it is what rules you break and how you do it.
There all different types of rule breakers that have become famous most of them are good and have benefited society. Others have broken the rules for their own selfish reasons and have become infamous, like being too greedy. Some rule breakers will never be forgotten, and some will never have been noteworthy no matter how famous they are now. So breaking a few rules is not a bad thing it’s just how you break them and why you broke them that matters.

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