How Technology is Running Our Lives | Teen Ink

How Technology is Running Our Lives

December 15, 2013
By Anonymous

When you go out how many people do you see on their phones, iPad, or other electronic devices? A lot. Whenever I go out to dinner with my family I see about 90% of the people on their phones. I know I am one of these offenders too. When we take a look around us, we see everyone so absorbed in technology. Now days we see kids as early as 2nd grade that have iPhones. Kids are so well adapt to technology at a young age that they can work an iPad as early as 2 years of age.

We need to realize that technology is running our lives. Masuma Ahuja states that "Today’s teens spend more than 71/2 hours a day consuming media" That is almost a full day at school. When they are on their phone all the time they miss out on so many other activities. They are more likely to spend more time on the computer that they are going outside and being active.

I know it is hard to go outside when you have so many interesting things on your phone or computer. You can get access to almost anything on your phone. There is a reason people say "There's an App for that" because most likely you will find an app you are looking for. Then you get so consumed by apps that you are on them for hours. You have such easy access to social media and your friends that it is hard to not look at your phone constantly. When I look around I see people looking at their phone every 5-10 minutes. Almost everyone constantly has their phone on them at all times. When I talk to my friends and they do not have their phones on them they say "I don't know what to do with myself." We constantly check our phones and have it near us, but when we don't have it near us we feel strange and don't know what to do.

About 85% of people sleep with their phones next to them. We use our phones for everything. We use them for alarm clocks, to get information off the internet, social media, and games. Most people text now rather than calling. When you have all this at your fingertips it is hard to realize what is going on around you.

There are upsides to the advances in technology. We have easier access to information and we are able to get in touch with people a lot faster. We need to learn to balance technology with other things in life. There are more important things in the world then technology.

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this because I see this everywhere and I wanted to express what I felt. I hope people will notice how technology is consuming us and learn to limit their time using it.

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