A Modest Proposal | Teen Ink

A Modest Proposal

December 15, 2013
By Anonymous

A growing problem that is currently a great plague on American society is hunger. It is getting harder and harder for people who don’t have immediate access to food to get anything to eat. I see this almost every day, someone sitting somewhere forced to beg strangers for money to provide for them. It is also hard to give food to organizations to feed the hungry; the opportunity doesn’t show itself very often. This problem seems to be on an endless cycle; the current method of distributing food does work, but doesn’t seem to completely solve the problem of hunger in America. There are other problems that need to be addressed as well, all around these hungry, homeless people walk, run, fly, or slither an opportunity.

In the urban stretches of America, stray animals roam, prey too many creatures, there for the taking. Why are humans no aloud access to this abundant food source? Cats, dogs, birds, snakes, mice, why are there hungry people in every city? These creatures may not be cows or deer that provide a great deal of meat per animal, but what stray animals lack in size they make up for in numbers and accessibility. Why hunt a deer when you could find a cat or a dog walking down the street? There are thousands of perfectly good meals living within the reach of anyone who desperately needs a meal. A stray could provide nutrition, even here in Florida a local exotic snake, if it is a good size, could feed a family of four for a week.

Think of the business opportunities this would give the impoverished people as well. Not only would they never go hungry again, they could make a nice profit too. How easy would it be for someone to open a small kitchen in a city or neighborhood that serves cheap food to people who need it? They could serve their food in any way they so desire. A business owner might find it more profitable to serve his food pieced out into different parts rather than a whole, or create different specials each week to bring more business to him. This could create a great service to the people; bring them out of poverty and into a world of opportunity.

Of course, there is not a business without rules, regulations, and standards. I assume a restaurant that serves strays would have standards. The food would have to be presentable to all consumers and the method of catching the stray animals would have to be approved, but these are small obstacles to overcome. The amount of hungry people grows, and I am sure that this method of solving the problem will take off as soon as it is put into place. It offers great rewards to everyone, there will be less hungry people, and more ways to make a profit. These two things are the things that make people happy, money and the feeling of being full.

The problem of hunger in America can easily be solved using this method. It also effectively solves to very large problems at once, hunger and the amount of stray animals in America’s cities. The never ending cycle of hunger people can be broken with the use of animals. No longer will someone sitting somewhere be forced to beg strangers for money for a way to make ends meet; no longer will there be a problem that presents a danger to the environment, stray animals.

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