Why I Want a White Christmas | Teen Ink

Why I Want a White Christmas

December 16, 2013
By katrinacort BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
katrinacort BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Imagine Christmas day in your head. Chances are if you are like me, you pictured some cliché scene with snow falling on the ground. A white Christmas seems to be every Floridian’s dream, because eighty-five degrees on Christmas Day doesn’t really put anyone into the Christmas spirit.

Luckily my parents and I make the trip to New York every Christmas to see my family. Without this trip I would be forced to stay in Florida, where the temperature never gets close enough to snow. I could not imagine being forced to stay in Florida for Christmas. Florida is anti-Christmas. I know I’m dreaming, but it’s hard to drink hot chocolate when it feels like summer outside. I can’t imagine anything better than a white Christmas. It would feel like a Hallmark Christmas card, everyone frolicking in the snow, a Christmas song playing in the background, with hot chocolate to warm you up waiting for you inside.

Do not get me wrong, I love that Florida has sunny weather almost all year. All I’m asking is that it gets cold enough to put everyone into the holiday mood. If Florida had more than two seasons (extremely hot and hot), getting into the holiday spirit would be so much easier. Unlike everywhere else in the country, Florida only has a slight temperature change from Halloween to Christmas day. It’s hard to get into the Christmas spirit and decorate your house with Christmas lights and decorations when it feels like you should be having a pool party instead.

If we had a white Christmas, I could finally enjoy wearing my winter apparel. If I were to wear my sweaters, scarves, jeans, jackets, and boots, I would die of a heat stroke. If it were snowing though, it would be perfect weather to break them out, and give my shorts, t-shirts, and flip-flops a rest for a few days.

Thus, all I want this Christmas is a white Christmas. My Christmas would be perfect then. If it snowed, we might even have a snow day! Besides, I can’t be the only one who is tired of the hot weather day after day after day.

The author's comments:
As the weather in Florida seems to be stable above 80 degrees, my need for an actual winter overtook me.

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