Let Peace Begin With Me | Teen Ink

Let Peace Begin With Me

December 17, 2013
By hannahlexandra BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
hannahlexandra BRONZE, Ormond Beach, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Peace: A state of mutual harmony between people or groups, especially in personal relations. Impact: The effect exerted by a single idea. In our world today, how many people do you know that you can honestly say have made an effort to bring peace to the world? Every day, there is someone out there, in this world wrangling with life. As humans, it is our duty to not let even one single person become a laggard in the fast evolving way of peaceful living. The world has chosen to become a better place, and we, as humans, need to adapt quickly, so we are not left behind. We need to keep our once unflagging peace in this dying world. In order to keep the peace in the world, people need to learn to collaborate with each other for good purposes. Different people have very divergent opinions on what peace is, and what you can do to provoke peace in this nation. If I were to do something to keep peace in our world, I would volunteer my own sweat and blood at organizations with my church that worked to help out people who are in difficult situations, knowing only forlorn feelings in their heart because that’s all they have ever felt. I think that helping people who have had their homes plundered away by a natural disaster would be acceptable. I think that attesting the transition of the common waif to a well suited prodigy, able to glut in the things that they enjoy would be a satisfying thing to witness. I believe that out of my sweat and blood, three wonderful things would come out of it. Because of me, people would have the chance to begin again and rehabilitate themselves from what has happened to them in the past. People would be able to have what they never did, and cherish every little thing that they would never dream of having before. People would learn about God and how he has helped them in their struggles. This is why I would volunteer at my church to bring peace to the world.

Often, people make bad choices. There are always going to be consequences and repercussions. Sometimes people get into such bad situations that they feel like they will never get help. That is when I would come in. My church and I would help people who have lost all hope in their life. We would amass the person who feels like they have no one that cares about them with someone who does care. One time, when I had first moved, I didn’t fit in and I felt alone. My church made me feel at ease and appeased my greatest fears of being new. My church makes myriads of people feel good about themselves. Now I want to do the same. I will make people feel at home and self-confident. I know that I can make people feel like they can start over, start a new life: a better life.

If I were able to help out at my church I would donate things that are essential to everyday life. People, who have nothing, cherish everything. When I watch my church help out people who were raised with absolutely nothing, it brings a tear to my eyes. I was raised in a city where I had nothing. The kind of city where you’re woken up by car alarms at two in the morning. You hear gun shots and people yelling all the time. I was raised in a town filled with little things that perturb you in many ways. Rose that way you become skittish and timid. But I watch people getting helped by this church and it makes me so happy to know that plebeians can become better because someone else cares about them and they help them. I want to help them so I can feel happy like I am personally helping people. I want to vie for nonjudgmental world: a world of peace.

Lastly, I think that I could bring world peace by working with my church by helping people learn about God. I know that God is real, and many people may not believe me. But when I look at their life, and mine, I see the differences and the benefits that God has given me in my lifetime. People, who choose not to believe, do not see the gifts God has given them. There is a difference, and only true believers can tell what they are. It’s not comparing in a ‘ha-I’m-better-than-you’ manner. Only that Living with God will make your life better but you won’t be able to tell if you don’t believe. If you don’t believe why would you think that it could help you to have God in your life? I personally know what it is like to have God and to not have God and I know the difference. I see it now. I didn’t before, but now I do.

All in all, I think that working with my church would be beneficial to promote world peace because it gives people a second chance, which everyone needs. It allows people to have what they never could, and it teaches the wonders of God and all he’s done for us. I think that what my church has to teach, and influence is a positive impact and will definitely help the earth become increasingly peaceful. It will increase the gratitude, acceptance, open-mindedness, and belief in every-day people. As Robert H. Schuller once said, “Any fool can count the seeds in an apple. Only God can count all the apples in one seed.” I think that means that I can see how many people my church has helped. But only God can see how many people we will help and how much they will help other people. God knows our effect on people. That is how I would initiate world peace.

The author's comments:
This is something that I was asked in 7th grade, and that had stuck in my mind ever since.

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