Keep It Private | Teen Ink

Keep It Private

January 6, 2014
By Natashia MIchael BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Natashia MIchael BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you think that young Americans sometimes share too much on social networks? Yes, sometimes I think young Americans sometimes share too much on social networks.

One reason is that people should really take advantage of their privacy settings to keep themselves safe. Also, you shouldn’t give your passwords out or log into facebook on someone elses phone, and forget to logout, to prevent from your information to get stolen. Last, somebody can post a short and simple post where someone may take it wrong and do extreme stuff to themselves.

One Reason, I think yes is that people put their address on, so then a fake account that may be a pedifile, can track all your information and get your number. Also, a lot of people post half naked pictures, someone can fall in love with your body and looks, then stalk you. Some may argue, and say “oh, chill, dont worry its not going to happen to me.” At least you warned them and told them to be more careful. You should use your privacy settings to protect yourself from stuff like that happening to you, to keep your families and yourself safe.

Another reason, is that people give out their passwords, and they hack you, and say bad or embarrassing thing about you.If you log into facebook and forget to logout on someones phone, they other people can see all your information. They can read personal messages then start rumors about you. What my point is, is that when your not being careful or concerned about your privacy, stuff like that may often happen.
A quick post can effect someone easily.Someone may post a status or a picture that may offend someone, they didn't mean to hurt you, but someone took it the wrong way, and it could start a fight, self-harm or do something extreme like, suicide. Also, people may report you and you can be pertimatly be locked out of your account, or get in trouble by the police. Another thing is that it can lead to severe cyber bullying, that can cause a lot of problems and lose a lot of friends and trust, then you can get depression and hurt yourself.

Some teens feel its ok to share information on facebook, I disagree. People ignore their privacy settings, freely give out their passwords, so other people can get on your facebook, or misinterpret posts, which can lead to bullying. People need to start to be more careful about their privacy and start to use it. Also, people should respect themselves and not give out their passwords and login on people’s phones then not logout. Also, not to cyber bully and be aware that people may take what you post the wrong way. Facebook can be more dangerous than you think.

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