Facebook | Teen Ink


January 6, 2014
By theasian0517 BRONZE, Fairyland, Pennsylvania
theasian0517 BRONZE, Fairyland, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some people think that its ok to give out personal information online. They think that there is no risk for giving information. But they would be wrong. There are people out there who want to get your information to get control over your life. Young Americans share too much on social networks.

When your on the internet, you have to be alert of what you post. Make sure when you take a picture that your GPS is off. Critics may say that have GPS on isn’t a bad thing. They would say that they would want their friends to know where they took the picture. But that could be a bad thing because people might try to find you if the GPS is on. By turning GPS off,people don’t know where you took the picture. That could mean that you are one step safer from a predator.

When your on facebook your friends might ask you for your phone number so they can text you. Thats ok as long as you know who the person is. If you give a stranger your phone number, they could try to contact you. If the person is a bad person they they could try to contact you so they could meet you and possibly hurt you. so make sure that you know the person before you give them your phone number.

Whenever your on social networks make sure that you turn privacy setting on. if your account isn’t private then anyone can see your pictures and posts. If that happens then could could be a possible stalker and they could try to find where you live. When your account is private then you have to accept anyone who wants to be your friend. So if you don’t know someone then dont add them as a friend. But make sure that you always check your privacy setting whenever you get an update. Your settings can change when you get an update. So make sure when your on social networks make sure that you turn privacy settings on.

So make sure that when your on social networks that you watch what you post and who wants to be your friend, because you never know they could be out to get you. Young Americans share too much on social networks, so make sure you stay safe on the internet by watching who you give your information to online.

The author's comments:
In todays world, young teens reveal too much on the internet.This essay tells you about how you can stay safe on the internet.

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