People Should Have Jobs | Teen Ink

People Should Have Jobs

January 8, 2014
By Myana G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Myana G BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone should have a job right? When people don’t have jobs it makes it hard on their families because big families make it hard on money, it hurts relationships within the family, and having a job makes it easier on life.
One reason why not having a job hurts the family is because big families make it hard on money. For example my in my house hold its six kids and my mother and she has to stretch money since its so many of us, she has to spend money the way she can to pay bills and things. This shows that bigger families makes it hard on money.

Another reason why not having a job hurts the family is because it hurts relationships within the family. For example everyone gets stressed and blames each other for it, like now my phone bill is not paid and I blame my father because he keeps saying he’s going to pay it but never did, so i'm stressed because I need my phone for school and things but I can’t have it because it’s not on. This shows that not having a job hurts relationships within the family because people say they’re going to do something and they never do.

Not having a job makes life more difficult because having a job makes life easier. For example, with a job you can do and get everything you need for you and your family. Also having job makes life easier because in life you need a job to live life without a job you can’t even have a house.

To conclude, while some people think anybody should have a job I have proven that only the people who really want the job and will do the work deserves a job. I think resident Obama should spend money on building jobs on his citizens.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because i care about everyone who deserves a job needs one.

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This article has 1 comment.

MsSchneeman said...
on Jan. 12 2014 at 11:53 am
Woo hoo, congrats on getting published, Myana! Keep up the hard work!