Puppy mills | Teen Ink

Puppy mills

January 8, 2014
By Mogwai123 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Mogwai123 BRONZE, Cambridge, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

how much is the puppy in the window?
You are in a mall you are just looking around, but then a bright and colourful shop with a bunch of puppies in the window captures your attention . You casually walk in to the store, and you look at all the puppies. Then a store employee walks over to you and engages you in a conversation about the puppies. he talks about how playful they are and how cute they are. Eventually, he convinces you to buy a puppy. But where did theses puppies come from? Why did the person working at the store try so hard to convince you to buy one right now? Well, most people don't think about these questions.

They actually came from a “factory” called a puppy mill. a puppy mill is a commercial dog breeding facility where people breed dogs. all the puppies live in small wired cages filled with urine and feces. they are fed a cheap puppy food paste that is usually crawling with bugs. the breeding pair of dogs or in this case pairs are forced to inbreed, the female dogs live their whole lives giving birth to litter after litter after litter . the puppies don't get any medical care or exercise. the puppies spend 1 week with their mother than the are taken away, once the puppies start to go into their peek of cuteness (4 - 5 months) they ship them off to a pet store to be sold to aware buyers.

The person working at the store wanted to sell you the puppy as fast as possible because the store relies on impulse buys if you really think about it you would realize it would not be a good idea to buy a dog right now. if a dog does not get bought they get sent back to the puppy mill to be a breeder.

Puppy mills are legal in almost every state, they sell 500,000 puppies each year, but 7 million puppies from puppy mills enter a shelter each year. The reason people give them away is because they turn into adult dogs and they don't look as cute to people and puppy mill puppies have a lot of physical and mental health problems and people don't want to put up with it or pay the very high vet bills. some common health problems is joint weakness, blindness, deformed bones and hair loss. this is because of all the inbreeding, there is no gene verity so that causes health problems that you would normally would not find in a dog with a large variety of genes. They are most likely not going to be a adopted from a shelter because they would probably be barking excessively and would be a adult dog, two things people don't look for when adopting a new dog. most people would want a cute puppy,so than they have to be euthanized.

Respectable experts agrees that puppy mills are bad the only reason they are around is because people in America love cute animals and will purchase cute animals, without thinking were they came from or the proper care for
them. people need to do research about the animal they are getting . Cesar Millan A.K.A The Dog Whisperer talks about puppy mills in his book How to Raise The Perfect Puppy. and he makes it very clear that he is against them
the MSPCA is also against puppy mills. Some people people buy dogs from puppy mills because they feel bad for them but “once you buy one another one takes their place” quote Cesar millan, you would just be supporting the suffering of puppies by doing that even if you intentions are noble. as long as people will buy dogs their will be puppy mills unless people know about what is going on at puppy mills if you don’t shop they will stop.

if you don't spread awareness about puppy mills people are still going to buy from them. living animals should never be a impulse buy, do research before buying a animal if you are really interested in buying a dog adopted one from a shelter or go to a responsible breeder.

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