Families around the world, listen up! | Teen Ink

Families around the world, listen up!

April 16, 2014
By madison duncan BRONZE, Mountainridge Road Hickory, Kentucky
madison duncan BRONZE, Mountainridge Road Hickory, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Suzie always asked her parents to do stuff with her. Her parents always had something to do though. So one day she had nothing better to do so she went to a party, got addicted to heroin and got pregnant with twins. If only Suzie had more family time she wouldn’t have got addicted to heroin or got pregnant with twins. Kids all around the world need more family time, because more family time will help kids make better decisions, kids need more mom AND dad time, and many kids miss spending time with their families.

First of all, more family time will help kids make decisions better. If kids knew that their parents were going to ask them what they did that day, they are less likely to go off and get drunk or have sex. Therefore they are spending that time with their families instead of going off and getting drunk or having sex. This would also give parents a chance to influence their kids and teach them right from wrong. Now some might think that too much family time is bad, but you can never have too much family time.

Second of all, kids need more mom AND dad time. When only one parent pays attention to the child the child may become independent too early and gets jealous and that causes anger. Kids with both a mom and a dad should get attention from both parents not just one parent. Now some may think what if I have more than one child? You can at least pay the same amount of attention to all of the children. For example you could designate a day for each child.

Last of all kids may have the support of their parents, but miss spending time with them. Many parents are at work or doing something. For example, my dad is always at work so I never see him, but I have a lot of support from him. Parents think that money will always buy the kids happiness. It won’t; all we want is to see our families or spend time with them, not go out and buy things. You don’t have to spend money at all, just sit at home and watch a movie.

Kids all around the world need more family time, because more family time will help kids make better decisions, kids need more mom AND dad time, and many kids miss spending time with their families. Parents, put down the phone, pick up a ball, and go play outside with your kid(s). Now you might say, “Well, my kid(s) don’t like to play outside.” Well, put the phone down and watch a movie with your kid(s). Do you want to be the parent(s) that didn’t spend time with their kid(s) and so they got addicted to heroin and got pregnant? I didn’t think so!

The author's comments:
this is to insprire parents to get up and do stuff with their kids at to spend time with them.

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