Why Me | Teen Ink

Why Me

May 12, 2014
By Anonymous

To the Law Enforcement

To Whom It may concern,

Today all you do is stop anyone for no apparent reason search them without a warrant and arrest them because you feel like it. Law's should be to protect the people yet all you do is use them against us. Why? Because you all think you have the authority to do it for the badge around your arm, the gun around your waist and the handcuffs hanging on to your waist.

You think your doing your job right when it's the complete opposite. You've taught us to stay away from drugs and given us D.A.R.E stamps to make better choices and always have told us to go for to you for anything that way we nothing bad will happen to us if we tell you everything. That's when we realize it's not true. Behind the doors of those police departments everything is the opposite. You scream in our faces to tell you the truth when we've already told you how it happened, yet you call us lairs slam the tables and chairs and walk out to leave us there to starve. Your no help when your needed and when your not needed you end up on the front of our porch yet we have to give a certain percentage of our paychecks for your services. You must know that the law enforcement is a failure in this country and to corrupt that every time I walk out of my home instead of looking behind my back for any potential threat to towards my life I look for sirens going off to see if I'm not your next target.

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