Phones Are Affecting Society | Teen Ink

Phones Are Affecting Society

May 15, 2014
By MariaFelix BRONZE, Levering, Michigan
MariaFelix BRONZE, Levering, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Happiness doesn't depend on any external conditions, it is governed by our mental attitude.
Dale Carnegie

These days society have been affected by phones, people don’t interact with each other face to face anymore, they call or text each other. People text those ones who are not next to them, they are not socializing with the ones that are around them, or sometimes they are texting to the one that is next to them instead of talking. Now families are different, they don’t communicate in the correct way, some divorces have occurred; also friendships have ended because of texting.

Problems texting or calling are because of misunderstandings, they occurred because you are not looking at their faces so you have no idea if they are being sarcastic, happy or really angry. People is taking important decisions texting, some of them have changed their life, like leaving their families to go to a different continent to live with that person that they fell in love with when they probably are kidnappers. School is also not the same anymore, now students ignore their teachers because they are texting to someone else, they don’t pay enough attention, so that makes them have bad grades, and after that they are mad at the teachers and some of them get punished by their parents.
Lunch time, Christmas dinner, a party or any social event almost everyone is with their phone, they don’t have that real fun. Life is always changing because of technology, phones are getting better each day but the problem is that people don’t know how to use them in a correct way, a way that will benefit everyone, a way that will make life easier for everyone without “stop living”. We are not slaves of anyonr or anything! Lets enjoy our moment.

The author's comments:
I love my phone but I need to learn how to use it to be even more cool!

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