What America will be like in the future | Teen Ink

What America will be like in the future

May 25, 2014
By brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
brianaxx13 GOLD, Whitestone, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Tell me I can't, I won't hear you!"
-A'mare Stoudemire (NBA NY Knicks)

Today, inventions have shaped the daily life of an average human being. Everything around us is an invention. Not everyone has been lucky enough to have all of these amazing technological advances in their daily life in the past. However, new inventions were created, and were in higher demand than the older ones. Soon, everyone began to have things such as a television and an old fashioned car, but new things replaced them. In modern times, we now have IPhones and Apple products, HP Computers, and even million dollar cars. Right now, not everyone is able to own every Apple product or expensive car. This may not be the case in the years to come. Maybe new things will be invented, and the things that we can’t afford now will be available to us easily in everyday life. When I say maybe, I mean most likely. I don’t see why people would stop inventing now when they are becoming billionaires. It isn’t only about the money. It is about the huge impact they are having on society. These inventions are not only allowing our world to advance majorly on our technological and scientific studies, but they are making life for practically everyone in the world so much easier. Just imagine all of the possible future inventions to come, with all of the progress that we are making so quickly. We started off with just natural resources to keep us alive, and now we have created everything that stands here with us today. Look at how much progress we have made. It makes me wonder what the life of an average American will be like in the future. The possibilities are truly endless.

I’ve never actually fully thought about what American life would be like in the future, with all of these amazing inventions being created. Now that I think about it, I am beginning to realize how high-tech society will be. I think that, in the future, scientists will have been able to create robots that can do almost anything for humans. Maybe there will be robot maids or even robot mailmen. Inventors might be able to create some kind of barcode that you attach to the letters you plan on mailing that will make sure they are delivered to the right address. I think that robots will even be able to perform amazing and helpful tasks. Wouldn’t it be amazing if robots could do your taxes? I, personally, do not know how to do taxes, or how hard it is to do them, but I know that most adults find them annoying. Anyway, I think that we will continue to advance with our technology and may even have flying cars. It would be so easy to get around that way. Even though we may have robots doing most of our work, I don’t think that they will take over the world, like every movie predicts they will. They would have to have artificial intelligence to do so. Artificial intelligence is when an object other than a human basically has a mind of its own and is able to perform tasks that usually require human intelligence. If we programmed them to perform a specific task, such as sweeping the floor, they would not be able to do anything other than that without artificial intelligence. Maybe they specifically won’t give robots artificial intelligence because they may be able to rebel.

If the robots do not rebel, and end up performing many of the tasks that an average American normally performs on a regular basis, humans will not have to do so much work anymore. They will begin to become lazy. If they are lazy, and just sit around on electronics all day, they can become unhealthy. That will not be the least of their worries because with more technology, comes more radiation. Radiation can cause many problems and even make you sick. Robots may be able to help us, but they can also bring about changes that can hurt us. We may not have to go shopping, make dinner, bring out the garbage, walk our pets, or even pick out our clothing anymore. This means that we won’t even really have to think so much anymore. I think that American life in the future will not be as great as it is now. I know that inventions are created to help humans, but our ancestors did everything on their own. They didn’t have amazing machines to help pick or plant crops or sprinkler systems to water their crops. They went out each day and worked in the fields. I think that they will need to realize that machines can’t do everything for us. Technology cannot bring us love or friendship. In the future, I believe that people will begin to lose track of what is really important. I hope that this doesn’t happen because you should always remember that material items can never overpower your moral values. Maybe all of the robots running around Manhattan will make them realize that they should try to do things for themselves again and return to simpler times. I know that if I went to the city and saw robots running around, I would be pretty scared, and maybe think it was a little creepy.

In conclusion, I think that robots will be a huge part of the lives of average Americans in the future. Slowly, they will move out of scientific study and into daily life. This is what happens with basically every invention. It even happened with computers in the 1980’s. Today, the majority of people have a computer in their homes. Some even have several of them. However, if robots do end up playing a large role in the average life of an American, they may cause problems such as sickness, and loss of moral values. Some inventions could be useful, such as the flying car, but we should not let them do everything. We need to stay healthy and fit. Life in the future will be pretty cool. The music that we all know and love now will be old songs to our future generations. I know that I’m not the only one who complains when their parents put on the radio station in the car with all of the Bee Gees songs. After robots are invented and become a part of daily life, new things will be invented. We may even be able to travel to other galaxies, go through worm holes, and escape from black holes. Like I said before, the possibilities are endless. As long as scientists do not give robots artificial intelligence, we should be fine. We really don’t need any robot rebellions in 3014!

The author's comments:
In school, we had a demonstration about a robotic arm and how it does not have artificial intelligence. This made me think about how the daily life of an American will be in the future, and what inventions will help us to get so far.

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