The Dangers of Electronic Devices | Teen Ink

The Dangers of Electronic Devices

May 21, 2014
By Lindsey Watkins BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
Lindsey Watkins BRONZE, Merritt Island, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The lives of teenagers across the world have been dominated by electronic devices. Students spend countless hours tweeting, facebooking, instagramming, playing video games, and more. It has become a definite issue in our society and something needs to be done to stop it. In order to stop this technological nonsense, legal action needs to be taken. The use of all electronic devices within the younger generation must be deemed illegal in all aspects.

Cellular devices, laptops, computers, tablets, televisions, gaming systems, and more must be revoked in order for this to be successful. The usage of these devices is not only causing the younger generation to become dependent on communication that is not in real life, but it is also causing the intelligence of our youth to decrease rapidly. Children spend more time worrying about reaching a certain score on a video game or being updated with their favorite television programs than they do on important aspects of life such as education and other responsibilities, including work and chores.

Laws need to be established to discontinue the use of these devices by children. They need to be removed from all areas of access, including department stores, libraries, shopping centers, and more. Electronic devices must be restricted from the homes of families in order to be kept out of reach of children. Mothers and fathers should not be permitted to use electronic devices so as to prevent having a bad influence on the children. This technique will eventually create a technological free generation that is far more intellectual than previous generations who depended entirely on electronics.

Along with electronic devices comes an important aspect that is the true connection between a teenager and their electronic devices; social networking. Today’s children spend countless hours locked up in their rooms deciphering between filters to use on Instagram photos, scrolling through pages and pages of mindless entertainment, and tweeting every two minutes. Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, Facebook,, Vine, and other social networking sites must be permanently deleted from the internet to create a society that is more knowledgeable and ensure a more scholarly future generation.

The future of our world is at stake due to consummation of the lives of the future generation by electronic devices. It is a serious hindrance in society today and will continually become worse if something is not done. Violators of the laws set forth to permanently eradicate the use of electronic devices by the youth will be prosecuted. The use of electronic devices by the youth must be regarded as illegal in all aspects because the future of our country and world is at stake and it will make for a stronger, more intelligent population.

The author's comments:
This is a satirical essay that I wrote to analyze the use of electronic devices by the youth. In my opinion, social media is poison, and electronic devices make it easily accessible for the teenagers of our generation. Social media is causing more and more teenagers to hide behind computer screens rather than communicate in real life. It also allows bullying to occur more easily. I hope you enjoy my essay!

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