Legalize Immigration | Teen Ink

Legalize Immigration

May 26, 2014
By Alejandra Medrano BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Alejandra Medrano BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Legalize Immigration

Immigration is a big part of the United States. Every year about 1 million immigrants attempt to cross the United States-Mexico border and about only half accomplish the American Dream. Mexican immigrants want to work in landscaping to send money to their family in Mexico. Many people die attempting to cross the border or border patrol catches them and takes the person to jail.

Immigrants are often judged because they think all of the illegal Mexican immigrants are drug dealers but that’s not true. Mexican immigrants come to the United States to help out their families by sending them money. For example a man was living in a car for 20 years so that he won’t have to pay rent and keep all of the money he earned, to send to his family in Mexico. There is another case that there were 15-20 illegal immigrants living in a small trailer just so they won’t have to pay a lot of rent each family.

Mexican immigrants come to the United States to work in landscaping/gardening and get paid much less than U.S. citizens’ gets paid in the same job. They should treat illegal immigrants the same way they treat U.S. citizens even if they’re in the U.S. illegally. They have families to take care of too. They barely have enough money to pay rent and food with the low money they pay them.

Immigrants lose their life attempting to cross the border of heat stroke, dehydration, hyperthermia, and drowning in canals, ditches, and the Rio Grande. From the years of 1998-2004, 1,954 illegal immigrants died attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border.

Illegal immigrants do not deserve this kind of treatment or life. They should let illegal immigrants come to the U.S. but first they should check their criminal history and if their criminal history is clean they should let illegal immigrants come to the United States.

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