Homosexual Marriage | Teen Ink

Homosexual Marriage

May 26, 2014
By Jennifer Diaz BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Jennifer Diaz BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Homosexual Marriages
Other types of love should be allowed. Even if Homosexual Marriage is banned, some couples will still do it! Their children aren’t affected, so why should others be? It also has benefits anyways! Homosexual Marriage should be legal.

Statistics show that there have been 71,165 Homosexual Marriages in the USA. Even though only 17 states allow it, couples are still getting married. Same-sex couples just got their Marriage licenses at Oakland County Courthouse in Pontiac, Michigan. Maybe it’s banned in where some Homosexuals live, but they could go somewhere where it’s legal.

There should be different kinds of love allowed. For example, Interracial Marriage. It was illegal before but, Federick Douglas , an African-American , and Helen Pitts, an American woman, still got married no matter what other people said. People didn’t agree with Interracial Marriages or relationships because people believed they were very different from each other. That’s what people think about Homosexual Marriages, they won’t accept it because Homosexuals are different from everyone else.

Kids that have Homosexuals as parents don’t get affected by them. If it doesn’t influence the children then why do other people mind?

Homosexual couples also have their own benefits! Whenever a spouse dies, there is no need to prove ownership over things. There is also a disease that couples can get from their partner. That is only, if it’s a female and male relationship. Therefore Homosexual couples can’t get the disease! If one of the spouses has a sickness, it cannot be passed on to their partner .Them being Homosexual is not bad at all! So why isn’t Homosexual Marriage legal everywhere?

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