Should toy guns be banned? | Teen Ink

Should toy guns be banned?

May 26, 2014
By That1person BRONZE, Austin, Texas
That1person BRONZE, Austin, Texas
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Should toy guns be banned?

Should toy guns be banned? No, toy guns shouldn't be banned, it will simply not work. Toy guns are good they make children feel safe, and cops should be trained to tell the difference between toy guns and real guns.
Toy guns have been banned in many states “If toy guns get banned it will simply not work”, according to Jeff A. Johnson a child-led advocate. Toy guns or a replica of a gun, they can be influenced by anything. A seven year old in Maryland was suspended for making a gun out of a pop-tart. If you ban toy guns it will make them more popular and kids will want them. If you ban it kid’s attention will be on the toy guns, and they will want toy guns.
Toy guns make kids feel safe and secure, according to the Journal of Pediatrics. Toy guns remind kids of people that hold guns to protect them and make them feel safe.
There are many deaths because cops confuse real guns with toy guns. I believe that cops should be trained to tell the difference between a toy gun and a actual gun. There are already orange plastic at the front of the toys, but cops still mistake them for real guns. A boy of 13 years of age was shot in California. The officers that fired at the boy saw him aside the road with what they saw as a firearm. The officers pulled over and yelled at the boy. One of the claimed that the boy pointed the barrel at the officer, and that is when the officers fired at the boy. If cops were able to recognize and tell the difference between toy guns and real guns, incidents like this wouldn’t happen. There are about 200 incidents per year, if cops were able to tell the difference the number of deaths would decrease.
Toy guns shouldn’t be banned. Cops should be trained to notice the difference between toy guns and real guns. I believe toy guns do not make kids violent, it doesn't affect their future. I think it is best to not increase the popularity of the toy gun problem by focusing it on children and their future.

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