Child Abuse | Teen Ink

Child Abuse

May 22, 2014
By Anonymous

Imagine what your reaction would be if you found out your child has been abused. Child abuse should be a bigger concern on society. Not just because it’s wrong, but also because the rates of children being abuse has risen. Although child abuse is not noticeable in everyone’s lives, it should be taken into consideration. Some kids are being abused in their homes, with no one knowing anything about it. That’s exactly why society should make a change to get kids to speak up. No child should feel unloved or hated. So why cause them long term physical or emotional damage?
‘”Mother then ordered me to climb up onto the stove and lie on the flames so she can watch me burn. I refused, crying and pleading. I felt so scared I stomped my feet in protest.”’ (Pelzer)Simple things, such as the example, should make you think. Absolutely no child should be mistreated physically or emotionally. It can leave noticeable and mental scars. Child abuse fills the person with feelings that no one else can understand. How would it be if abuse of any sort didn’t exist? There’s a better chance for not only kids but parents to be happy and relaxed. Research says sexual/physical child abuse is far more accomplished by close friends and or family members. So when it comes to trusting people ask you, “Can I trust them with my life?”
Abuse doesn’t discriminate. Any race, gender, age, etc. can be abused in many ways. Many people often disregard that Emotional/ Verbal abuse is nothing major. In reality all forms are just as harmful. Emotional abuse is intentional damage to one’s self-image. When someone is emotionally abused they go through the feelings of fear, humiliation, intimidation, guilt, coercion, manipulation etc.
There are mainly two forms of abuse done commonly. When a child is emotionally abused, who can they turn to for help? The child is either afraid to trust someone again or he/she has trust issues. Now a day the child keeps everything hidden so their lives would seem perfect. Child abuse may be a way of discipline but there are other ways, just as effective. Grounding a child and limiting activities is far logical to show they did wrong. Some parents may think beating a child would help them correct their mistake. Bad thing about it is it causes the child to be afraid. There are times parents give absolutely no attention to their child making them feeling neglected. Little did they know it leads to emotional abuse? Guardians may work hard just for their kids. As they try to make money for their babies, parents don’t realize the pain their putting their child through. Children now don’t just have to take care of themselves but also having to look after and raise an infant. Having a child at a young age can cause the parent to be under pressure. Research shows that a child growing up being abused is far more common (Falahati). Once the child has grown up he/she is likely to do the same to theirs. To this day parents claim that beating their child isn’t abuse it is just another way to get them for their wrong doing.
Not all abuse is done by physically touching someone. If there’s anything society can do by getting together it should be done. Imagine what it would feel like knowing you saved a child’s life. A child that could become an amazing successor, but child abuse can prevent amazing things like that to happen. It would make you think of all the wonderful things just one person can do. Hopefully child abuse is something that makes you want to help those in need. Just by talking to a victim of emotional abuse can show them the world is filled with generous people willing to help others get through problems. A child is something you should never take for granted.

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