Teens Sex Rate Dramatic Increase | Teen Ink

Teens Sex Rate Dramatic Increase

May 22, 2014
By Anonymous

Many teens around the globe are having sex without thinking of the consequences that can follow. Teenagers should think more about becoming a parent in their youth, or catching a sexually transmitted disease, and being under stress because they are sexually active. Most if not all teenagers think that nothing could happen, but that’s not true.

Teens are becoming parents all over the world today, just from one tiny slip up. Three out of ten girls will have a child before they turn 20. Maybe about a million teenage girls are having babies every year. It has been said that children who are born to a younger mother have a huge chance to have problems at birth. There’s a fifty-percent chance that younger mothers babies during the first few days or months to die. Someone has stated that a child born to a seventeen or younger mother can most likely have lower scores then a child whose mother was developed. It is most common that single and young mothers are more likely to be put on welfare. Yet there are other possible things that can happen with just one slip. Teens should think of more things that can happen like contracting something.

Lots of teens are catching sexually transmitted diseases, and they don’t even know. Out of the millions of cases of STD’s the youth takes up about thirteen-percent of it. A few years back girls from the age group of fifteen-to-nineteen have had the highest rates of gonorrhea. One in four teenage girls around the world have an STD. Chlamydia was one of the most common STD’s shown in teenage girls. It’s been said that some teens that have caught STD’s is because there isn’t enough or any type of supervision going on during their activities. Girls are way more likely to catch an STD because the different ways our bodies are built up. Everyone doesn’t know what someone is going through.

There are lots of teens right now going through stress because sexual activity among them. Almost half of the U.S. high school students have had sex, at an average, 15 years old. Most teen mothers have lots of stress because if they choose to stay in school, they’ll have to focus on their books while also always have to take care of their babies. Most teens who have told study groups about them losing their virginity bring up how everyone was doing it, so they just did it to get over with. Some girls have said that they are scared to lose their boyfriend if they don’t do anything sexual they ask for. Most teens feel left out if everyone around them is having sex and they are the only ones not doing it. Lots of teens have lost their happiness just from having sex, basically because they probably felt it was the wrong stuff to do. Your religion and own morals for yourself is all that should matter when you think about having sex or not. All teens probably think they don’t need to worry about anything.

Most teens, if not all, think that nothing could happen when you have sex, but that isn’t true. A girl who is capable of having kids, has a three-percent chance of getting pregnant, just from one case of unprotected sex. Condoms aren’t always going to keep you safe from everything because there are chances of it slipping off, and also popping, not protecting the girl from anything. The United States also has the highest rate of pregnancies and births, just as much as teens that are sexually active. This is exactly why I believe teens should save their selves for marriage.

I just think it would be better for my peers and all other teens to save their selves for marriage. All teens don’t realize the stress, and problems they can face from having sex one time. In many causes, the teen’s sexual partner might not be a virgin, and could possibly give you something that’ll probably change your life. Many teens have become early parents from having sex, and I’m quite sure you wouldn’t want to become one now either. Lots of teens have also caught STD’s from their sexual partners. So I would love for you guys to take into mind about saving yourself for

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