Destuction of property | Teen Ink

Destuction of property

May 22, 2014
By Banks-Boy1 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
Banks-Boy1 BRONZE, Indianapolis, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your Property can be Vandalized almost anywhere at any time. In the year of 2000, the United States of America had used approximately 93,000,000 dollars on vandalism related to schools. When someone’s property is destroyed they might not have the insurance to replace anything. Graffiti is very common in vandalism and can make places and possessions look horrible and unwanted. Police and the community are doing their best to stop vandals from running on the loose and doing further damage. Citizens have had to go through a lot to obtain the possessions that they need to live a normal life. Vandalism has had people’s hard work and effort done for nothing.
Even though graffiti may seem harmless to graffiti artists, it affects people and their property.( If a person does graffiti he or she may not know its’ considered vandalism and they will arrested if caught by police. When you sight graffiti in some areas that could mean you are trespassing into gang
territory which is a risky thing to do. But graffiti isn’t the only way to vandalize. Destroying something such as a vehicle completely is also an act of vandalism.
There is more to vandalism than just using spray paint. Weapons such as swinging bats, throwing bricks, and shooting guns can be used to destroy property in a permanent way. This turns out to be a lot worse than graffiti alone. The suspects are usually identified as teens and young adults. I think this has gone way too far and it won’t make people feel safe anymore.

In case you didn’t know, graffiti is additionally used for giving design to a vehicle. You can get pieces of paper and spray paint to your heart’s content. You could show off artistic skills with graffiti as long as you aren’t breaking the law and call it art. Spray painting didn’t used to be a deep crime until graffiti artists decided to show their spray painting skills on other people’s property. That is when spray painting became an outcast to everyone.

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