Favoring Goes Out Of Hand | Teen Ink

Favoring Goes Out Of Hand

May 22, 2014
By Anonymous

Favoring Goes Out Of Hand

Parents’ favoring one child over another is unfair because in that one family, there is not one child, so it’s unequal and favoring can become extremely abusive. That one child isn’t an option, that child is yours and needs the same loving as you give to the other child. Sometime in their life they are going to want to come home and want some love because they miss home. If you are not there to support, the grown child will end up not liking who they are becoming. They will think they were abused and treated unequally. Unequal families are usually not very healthy ones.
Many children do not like the fact that they are not as equal as their siblings. The child may sometimes feel that they need to grab attention, also, the emotions a useless person would feel. These types of children go through the worse; they always have the urge to kill themselves. That’s only because they think that is the only way they are going to get attention . All the child really wants is to be treated the same way as their brother or sisters are. Parents do not know but their children probably have tried to commit suicide, but did not go all the way through with it. These parents need to stop or this will become abusive.
The point when favoring gets too out of hand is when it seems as if the parent is getting too attached to the favored child. This causes abuse to the child who gets the messy plate at dinner, the one who has the ripped hand me down clothes, and the one who has to clean every mess the favorite child makes. Many of these families occur and there will soon be a thought of defeat coming from the non-favored child. This type of abuse is unacceptable and needs to be stopped NOW! Nobody likes to be treated unfair, these children can grow up thinking negative about themselves. Just stop the abuse or many of these bruised and abused children will start killing themselves. Many insiders or parents with two children or more probably think that favoring should not hurt anyone because it is a natural family problem.
Parenting can be hard for some people, especially if the parents have more than one or two children. Favoring is going to become an option because there are two parents and they can each favor one child each. It doesn’t matter if the children want attention from both parents, they can ask for time. If the parent does not pay attention, then that means they are doing something important and do not have time. That also does not mean that the parent will not try and get with you later. As a parent they have to raise money for the child, so they can show they love you and care. The parent does not just like one child; it is just that when they pay so much attention to one they do not have enough time for the other. They have to work a bit and then they will catch up with the other child. Some people just do not understand how hard this type of transition is, find out and you will see.
The fact that some people think that favoring is okay, is bull-crap, but at the same time parents do have a hard time parenting two or more different children. Many people like favoring their one pretty child and mistreating their one big, slow child. These parents would first say, “Since I was favored, I am going to favorite my first or my middle. They would then say, “No, I will let my husband take this one and I will take my other because this one is similar to him.” They just pick and choose sometimes, and people still think it is okay. In the world, children of this nature are hurting because you two as the parents, are abusing this child either way it goes and the child soon feels unequal. Any and everybody can do this with their children, but the abuse has to stop, it cannot go on anymore. It is understandable if parents are not meaning to favor one but this hurts and if it doesn’t stop many children are going to hurt. JUST STOP!

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write write this peice is from me being hurt this exact same way. I hope people get that this type of action is not right, it will hurt your children extremely.

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