A Perfect World | Teen Ink

A Perfect World

May 30, 2014
By Jesse Aegerter BRONZE, Coronado, California
Jesse Aegerter BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A perfect world in my opinion would not be "perfect" at all. Sure, everyone wants a perfect world. I mean, no hate, no bulling, no hurt would be great, but what good would that do for us? Many people always say that they want to live in a perfect world, but do they know what they are asking for? Just imagine all the consequences there would be. The word perfect is full of imperfections, just like the world we live in. In a perfect world there would be no terror or hurt or even heartbreak. I'll admit, that would be nice for the time being, but what would we learn from that? In a perfect world, there would be no mistakes and where would that take us? The answer is no where. Brilliant inventions have been made from mistakes people have made. All the lessons that we have learned wouldn't matter because everything would be perfect so we wouldn't need them. Living in a perfect world, wouldn't be so perfect after all.

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because I felt there was need for people to see what world they wanted to live in and how bad it would be. People need to see the truth behind what they are wanting.

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