GIRLS: You’re Not a S%*# Just Because You Have Sex | Teen Ink

GIRLS: You’re Not a S%*# Just Because You Have Sex

January 12, 2015
By princessbina_1020 BRONZE, Escondido, California
princessbina_1020 BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything's got a moral, if only you can find it"- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

For centuries, women have been judged very differently from men. There are countless double standards on our sexes that are too out of date. For example, one being the fact that girls are allowed to hit a boy, but they can’t hit the girl back. First off you shouldn’t be using violence anyways since that is never the answer, but where did this idea come from that girls can be violent towards their man but he can never be violent back? Is it that in society, women are looked at as to be weak and incapable of handling our selves? If this is the case I’m sure any girl would love to teach you otherwise because it just is not true.

Another double standard that is outdated and extreme is the sexual double standard. When a guy has sex with a girl he gets high fived by his friends and encouraged to continue to do so, but for a girl if she did the same thing she’s called degrading names. Even when a girl isn’t having sex with a guy she can still be called these words for just how she acts or by what she wears. Both sexs are judged for their actions, but very differntly. One is positive and one is extremely harsh and negative. Especially for teenagers using these words to judge girls is only making their already low self confidence go down even further causing her to feel terrible about herself and she starts to believe that she is a s***.

One of the reasons i feel like we have these terrible double standards that don’t really even apply anymore is because of what society pressures us to do and who to be. Society tells guys to be manly and strong. When a guy sleeps with a girl its cool cause hes getting laid and it's good. But society tells girls to be delicate and fragile. Only a century ago it was normal for girls to be virgins until marriage. Today that isn’t very true anymore and many men and women wait until marriage to have sex. But that doesn’t give society a reason to judge us for our decisions. Especially girls since its always a negative reaction.

For many girls, having sex isn’t just sex. Its supposedly something special and something you do with someone you love and its something that you have to be emotionally and physically ready for. For a lot of guys sex is just sex, theres no serious meaning behind it for them. Yes, there are a few guys who do see a meaning behind it and that's amazing, but in general they don’t see sex as a monumental experience like girls do. And when girls do have sex, that can seriously change them in many different ways. She could already be regretting her decision and by being called a s*** only makes what she is probably feeling even worse. She could also be extremely happy in her decision and by calling her a s*** or a whore for sleeping with a guy could make her second guess her decision. Both are negative reactions and end in the end annihilating her self confidence. 
It is 2015. We should be way past double standards as low as this but we aren’t. I think its about time that we maybe grow up a little and stop judging people we don’t know for their decisions that they have made. I think its also time to face the fact that girls are not delicate and fragile just as guys may not be manly and strong. These judgements and pressures we put on ourselves and the people around us are degrading and frankly none of your business what others do or don’t do. The only way we are going to stop these double standards is if we ourselves stop using them as excuses to judge our peers.

The author's comments:

This article is written on sexism and double standards. I hope you enjoy my writing! Thanks :) - Sabrina 

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