Bullying | Teen Ink


January 12, 2015
By jacob16 BRONZE, Escondido, California
jacob16 BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“More than 160,000 kids stay home from school each day to avoid being bullied. That's no way to receive a great education. Lets end bullying.” (Michelle Rhee). No one should be bullied because it is everyone's nightmare. If you see someone get bullied, stand up for them even though they are a stranger to you. Imagine if that was you, would you want someone to help you? There are many types of bullying, there is physical bullying, cyber bullying, and self bullying. We need to stand up and fight back, we can not let these vicious people win!

Cyber bullying is the most common one because everyone in this society has an electronic device. Cyber bullying is when someone is commenting on someone else's post and saying brutal things to them. For example they could be calling them fat, ugly, or “you are worthless”. Most cyber bullies attack the homosexuals because they are attracted to the same gender. There is nothing bad with loving the same gender, this world just thinks its wrong which is stupid. These words can either make someone stronger or could break someone who would go in depression. 9% of the students that get bullied commit suicide. We have to help stop these cruel teens. Cyber bullies are just kids hiding behind a screen.

Self bullying is another one that mostly all of us suffer through. We always put our bodies down and call each other names that are cruel and not human. We say things like “ I am ugly” or “ i am so fat and obeast”. You can not think like this because it hurts your education and it also hurts your self esteem. Fight back the negativity, think of what good your body does because there are people out there who wish they had the legs you have or the thighs you have. Think of the wonderful creation Jesus has made and that is you.    

Bullying needs to stop because it makes teens do things that doesn’t only affect them it also affects their families and their friends. We need to put an end to this once and for all so no one else could get hurt or commit suicide. Stand up and help the kid that is getting bullied, you don’t know maybe that one person you help could become your best friend.

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