The Root of Our Problems | Teen Ink

The Root of Our Problems

January 13, 2015
By Michaela Sanderson BRONZE, Escondido, California
Michaela Sanderson BRONZE, Escondido, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We live in a world that is overflowing with mysteries and untold stories. A place that’s abounding in inspiration as well as heart wrenching epidemics that seem impossible to fix. There is no denying that there is a substantial list of things in our society that need to change, and I could go on and on about specific issues, but there is one single problem that is the root of all others.

Deep within all of us is an intense desire to be aware of things that are going on. It’s why we love to swap stories with our friends and why we can’t stop checking our feed to see what everyone else is doing. Despite our relentless curiosity, I have noticed that there are provoking stories that are never told the way they should be. Stories that deserve to be examined closely. Should we blame the media for giving more coverage to skanky celebrities than a school shooting in Pakistan, or blame society for eating it all up? It all comes down to the fact that so many don’t have a true love and desire for knowledge.

When it comes to current issue there are two types of people fall under this category. There are those who are aware of the problems in the world, but choose to remain ignorant. These are the people who overlook the pain and suffering that other people are going through because it is uncomfortable to think about. There are also the people who understand the problems and have compassion for the victims, but they have know idea how to make an impact. These are the people who have a vision of a better world but all they know how to do is express their opinion on social media. So what can we do about this?

We can’t force wisdom upon everyone, but there is something that we can do. If the school system ditched it’s traditional ways of teaching to make better learning environments for kids, more of our society would grow up with a love for learning. Imagine what the results would be if students learned how to so respect and still stand up for their own beliefs in classrooms. Remember, this world is full of mysteries and untold stories, so let’s explore.

The author's comments:

I wish I was better at using word to express my emotions. If only I could truly explain to you how passionate I am about this.

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